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Thread: The Shaving Thread

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Toronto, Canada


    Quote Originally Posted by Bucnak View Post
    I've often spoke to a few of my friends regarding shaving, and it never has been like this.
    I'm 44 and since I was old enough to see my Grandfather shave (he is deceased) he always had a wooden bowl a badger brush and one sharp razor, I always would sit by him and watch this routine each morning during the summer, as he whisked up the cream with the brush and applied it to his wet face.
    It wasn't until about 20 years ago, I was in a pharmacy where I saw a bowl and soap for shaving which brought back some pleasant memories. I purchased the kit and went home and shaved immediately, what a blast!
    Since that day I have been using this system each morning with much pleasure, I did three years ago go onto a site and purchase a Merkur razor and the solingen blades, which are great.
    I've purchased some good soaps as well and really enjoy the Almond fragrance.
    The only problem I have seen is that after I apply the lather, it is quickly to dry and I did find that I have to do one side of my face than the next.
    It is a great way to begin the morning and I look forward each day to my 15 minutes of alone time.
    Hey Bucnak,

    It does definately become a ritual, I find it enjoyable and relaxing. I can't always do it the way I did last night... especially on those hangover morning (though I tend just to skip chaving on them ).

    About the lather. The Kent soap, as well as a really good one from Germany I use as my travel soap, never seems to have this problem. I have the Clinique and Art of Shaving cremes, but the first time I tried them I didn't realize you needed to mix them with water in a bowl and lather it up . Whoops. You might just need to find a different soap for that. I really like the "Art of Shaving" products which I discovered by accident one day while working in New York and walking down the street. Saw an old school style barber shop which turned out the be their store.

    The Internet - All the Piracy, None of the Scurvy

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Shearstown, Newfoundland (A suburb of Bay Roberts)


    From what I've read, 99.9% of the time when your lather is "dry", you just need to add a little water.

    Normally, a decent badger brush will hold enough water to whip up the lather, and a good one will hold too much so you need to shake or squeeze a bit out before making the lather.
    ><((((º>¸.·´¯`·.¸ ><((((º>¸.·´¯`·.¸ ><((((º> ¸.·´¯`·.¸ ><((((º>¸.·´¯`·.¸ ><((((º>¸.·´¯`·.¸ ><((((º>¸.·´¯`·.¸ ><((((º>

    Hi. My name is Jim and I like to shave!

  3. #3
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    Jan 2006
    Toronto, Canada


    Hey Newf,

    So, I can never seem to get a proper shave with my straight razor. It always seems like I'm pulling the hairs out one at a time. Now, I know the angle you are supposedly supposed to go at. How do you do it? What have your experiences been? (I'm wondering if the damnt thing has just never been properly sharp? No clue.)

    The Internet - All the Piracy, None of the Scurvy

  4. #4


    This whole thing seems a bit metrosexual and narcissistic to my unsophistocated self. But each to his own.

    I'll continue to keep it simple -- Edge gel and a Gilette in the shower.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Shearstown, Newfoundland (A suburb of Bay Roberts)


    Quote Originally Posted by Monk View Post
    Hey Newf,

    So, I can never seem to get a proper shave with my straight razor. It always seems like I'm pulling the hairs out one at a time. Now, I know the angle you are supposedly supposed to go at. How do you do it? What have your experiences been? (I'm wondering if the damnt thing has just never been properly sharp? No clue.)

    My guess is it needs to be honed Will. Ever hear of the "Hanging Hair Test"?? It's exactly as it sounds. With a properly honed & stropped razor, the hair will slice itself off just from the weight of itself "hanging" across the edge of the blade. "Honemeisters" say it takes years to learn it properly. Check out for more info, and there's a few guys from T.O there.

    Quote Originally Posted by HabanoHo View Post
    This whole thing seems a bit metrosexual and narcissistic to my unsophistocated self. But each to his own.

    I'll continue to keep it simple -- Edge gel and a Gilette in the shower.
    Hey Ho, 2 things:

    • I spent 30 years using the same shaving method you do now, and I hated every bloody minute of it. Now, I look forward to "me" time I spend shaving and I wish I had known about what it's like to "really shave" 30 years ago (probably before you were hatched).
    • You like to use big words don'cha??? I'll admit that "metrosexual" and "narcissistic" aren't a part of my daily vocabularly. So that being said, I checked a couple of on-line sources in my attempt to grasp exactly what you were trying to say, and basically, from what I can gather, you were saying that anyone who goes through this "....has gay tendencies and seems to be wayyyyyyy too enamoured with themselves..............". Tell me I'm wrong???

    As of this writing, you have 11 posts on this site, and the way I see it, only 3 can even be remotely considered as valuable info towards this place. You, my fine feathered friend, are a classic example of what the FOGs here are referring to when they say "Read more and post less".

    I will refrain from putting my exact thoughts into print because by Hex's newly stated rules about attacks, he'd have every right to ban me.

    So, that being said, have a good life and if you don't have anything of value to add to a thread I started, I'd appreciate if you didn't clutter it up.
    ><((((º>¸.·´¯`·.¸ ><((((º>¸.·´¯`·.¸ ><((((º> ¸.·´¯`·.¸ ><((((º>¸.·´¯`·.¸ ><((((º>¸.·´¯`·.¸ ><((((º>¸.·´¯`·.¸ ><((((º>

    Hi. My name is Jim and I like to shave!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Toronto, Canada


    Quote Originally Posted by Newfie View Post
    My guess is it needs to be honed Will. Ever hear of the "Hanging Hair Test"?? It's exactly as it sounds. With a properly honed & stropped razor, the hair will slice itself off just from the weight of itself "hanging" across the edge of the blade. "Honemeisters" say it takes years to learn it properly. Check out for more info, and there's a few guys from T.O there.

    Hey Ho, 2 things:

    • I spent 30 years using the same shaving method you do now, and I hated every bloody minute of it. Now, I look forward to "me" time I spend shaving and I wish I had known about what it's like to "really shave" 30 years ago (probably before you were hatched).
    • You like to use big words don'cha??? I'll admit that "metrosexual" and "narcissistic" aren't a part of my daily vocabularly. So that being said, I checked a couple of on-line sources in my attempt to grasp exactly what you were trying to say, and basically, from what I can gather, you were saying that anyone who goes through this "....has gay tendencies and seems to be wayyyyyyy too enamoured with themselves..............". Tell me I'm wrong???

    As of this writing, you have 11 posts on this site, and the way I see it, only 3 can even be remotely considered as valuable info towards this place. You, my fine feathered friend, are a classic example of what the FOGs here are referring to when they say "Read more and post less".

    I will refrain from putting my exact thoughts into print because by Hex's newly stated rules about attacks, he'd have every right to ban me.

    So, that being said, have a good life and if you don't have anything of value to add to a thread I started, I'd appreciate if you didn't clutter it up.

    Hmm, my guess is no way mine would pass that test. I think step 1. would be to get a good fine stone as I saw briefly checking that site out. I'll need to look more on there. You on the forums there too?

    As for the other, Metrosexuals are straight dudes like us who like to pamper themselves and look good and who are comfortable in their male sexuality to not give a shit what people think if they use a moisturizer or modern grooming methods Newf.

    The Internet - All the Piracy, None of the Scurvy

  7. #7
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    Toronto, Canada


    Quote Originally Posted by HabanoHo View Post
    This whole thing seems a bit metrosexual and narcissistic to my unsophistocated self. But each to his own.

    I'll continue to keep it simple -- Edge gel and a Gilette in the shower.
    Hey, I'm Metro and my wife loves it, and sometimes I wish I wasn't married because the ladies love it too. haha.

    Narcissistic would be getting a nosejob or something for looks (as opposed to medical reasons).

    Also, its a lost art. A bit like Cigars in some ways. An escape from the modern world to older times.

    The Internet - All the Piracy, None of the Scurvy

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Shearstown, Newfoundland (A suburb of Bay Roberts)


    Quote Originally Posted by Monk View Post
    snip...Narcissistic would be getting a nosejob or something for looks (as opposed to medical reasons).

    Quote from Wikipedia.

    In psychology and psychiatry, excessive narcissism is recognized as a severe personality dysfunction or personality disorder, most characteristically Narcissistic Personality Disorder, also referred to as NPD.

    The terms "narcissism", "narcissistic" and "narcissist" are often used as pejoratives, denoting vanity, conceit, egotism or simple selfishness. Applied to a social group, it is sometimes used to denote elitism or an indifference to the plight of others.
    Nuff said for me.

    Quote Originally Posted by Monk View Post
    Hmm, my guess is no way mine would pass that test. I think step 1. would be to get a good fine stone as I saw briefly checking that site out. I'll need to look more on there. You on the forums there too?

    As for the other, Metrosexuals are straight dudes like us who like to pamper themselves and look good and who are comfortable in their male sexuality to not give a shit what people think if they use a moisturizer or modern grooming methods Newf.

    I know mine won't!!!! lmao. Those 4K - 8K Norton stoness they talk about woujld run in the vicinity of $80 US to $120 Canadian (actual quote from a local Norton supplier.

    Will, if I may quote Wiki again:

    Though the term has undergone a transformation from its original meaning (a heterosexual man who appeared or acted as if he were homosexual or bisexual), current trends have seen the metrosexual label placed upon male embracing of practices usually perceived to be feminine, rather than those specifically associated with stereotypically effeminate homosexuals
    Like I said, I ain't in the habit of using words like that every day, so I'll take Wiki as an ultramodern accurate meaning of the word.

    Basically, I really don't give a fuck about who thinks what about if my favourite cologne comes from Crabtree & Evelyn or Chanel, I just don't like snotty-nosed punks (shit, was that my outside voice??) like "him" shittin' on others, be it me, Kev or anyone else.


    Yes, I am on that board. Same handle.
    Last edited by Newfie; 05-22-2007 at 01:58 PM.
    ><((((º>¸.·´¯`·.¸ ><((((º>¸.·´¯`·.¸ ><((((º> ¸.·´¯`·.¸ ><((((º>¸.·´¯`·.¸ ><((((º>¸.·´¯`·.¸ ><((((º>¸.·´¯`·.¸ ><((((º>

    Hi. My name is Jim and I like to shave!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    On the banks of Miskatonic.


    For Christmas I received a Merkur Futur D/E adjustable safety razor (polished) along with the matching stand, badger brush and soap dish. It even came with's Bay Rum shave soap. I used up the old razors I had first then started using the Merkur. I have to admit that at first the shave was not as smooth as I hoped it was going to be. However, it seems to be improving with practice. I also looked at and though I was only on there a short time, liked what I saw.

    Two reasons I left cartridge blades behind:
    1) Waste and cost of the cartridges themselves. All that plastic and crap, plus they want 15 bucks for a small pack? Funk dat! For the same price I get 20 weeks of shaves plus less waste.
    2) A return to a more gentlemanly version of the morning (or evening, in my case, as I often shave at night since I have to be at work at six) ritual. There is a part of me that wishes I lived in turn of the (19th) century England. This helps.

    Newfie (and any others who are into the "shave ritual") what is your aftershave of choice? I am currently using Herban Cowboy's Organic Aftershave Balm. I plan on doing some checking around on as well, but any immediate recommendations would be appreciated.

    Later, gents. Happy shaving!

    "Ph-nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!"-H.P. Lovecraft

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Toronto, Canada


    2:49 am. fucking drunk. shit faced in fact. note: fuck Wikipedia as any source of decency. still love you all. crap my cigar is drying out......

    The Internet - All the Piracy, None of the Scurvy

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