Haven't been much on the board recently - busy as hell. Exciting news all around though. After much thought, prayer, and soul-searching, I've decided to change careers. After some 14 years in the counseling business, I'm going (back) to the oil patch except this time as a safety manager rather than a field worker. It's for substantially more pay than at my former work and they're issuing me a vehicle, laptop, and card. I'm pretty damned excited.

Some of you know my daughter is an athlete. She had a verbal comittment to go to Texas Tech on a generous soccer scholarship until recently when the coach there took a job in CA. This opened her options again. This week she was offered a full ride at University of Maryland as well as a very attractive deal at U of Texas in Austin, so we have some more thinking and deciding to do - probably go to each of these campuses in the near future to take a look. She's finishing up her Junior year and being a single parent of a 17-year-old comes with lots of new challenges, believe fucking me. I wouldn't trade this kid for anything though - she's awesome.

Some of you also know that I'm nearly two years out of my marriage. I'm dating again and that is some crazy shit.

A constant I go back to in my daily life is the enjoyment of a cigar. I don't have to tell you about the pleasure of reviewing these changes in my life while finally relaxing at the end of a day with a cigar and maybe some conversation with the kid or a close friend. Life is an adventure.