What can I say I guess even zombies have strong family ties

And this is a real story: 15 min or so after seeing the movie I am walking home and in front of my building next to the bus stop I see some weird guy. Thought No 1 Weirdos are never good. So as I come closer the guy starts murmuring some unintelligable stuff and extends his arms towards me ( either to give me a hug or ...... ) Thought no 2 I thought the movie was over. So quickly opening the building door and even quicker slaming it shut Thought no 3 runs through my mind ..... THere are those flame throwers when you need one.

Russell if you are reading this now I trully uinderstand why you always have a gun or a few on you. At first I thought this is just a hobby but now I see that you are extremmelly wise and a man prepared to take on any foe whther man, beast, or Zombie