I absolutely agree with the composting statement, granted even if you live in an apartment saving used grounds might be something a friend, relative, or co-worker might benefit from. I also agree with the statement about the french press being the best (as far as tase is concerned) method to brew coffee, but at the same time I am worried about all the reports I have read about the size of the grinds and the nature of the process being significantly more unhealthy than other brewing methods. At this point I only drink french press coffee on special occasions due to the supposed higher LDL cholesterol. Thanks for the info Newfie, but I knew all that already, I was just interested in stimulating some good coffee conversation. I do have a question though, what info do you have on these "increased health risks" of the french press?

Oh yeah and I love espresso too, it is always funny when you talk about drinking espresso or espresso based drinks and people react like "you're hardcore" everyone thinks that espresso is the hard liquor of the coffee world, when in reality a cup of coffee can sometimes have more caffeine than 2 to 3 shots of espresso.