Oh My Freakin' Gosh!

I know this is ChefChris's favorite cigar. I've had a few in my humidor for about 6 months but I haven't tried one yet. So this evening I made an otter pop martini (That's what we call Blueberry vodka martinis here) and grabbed a Fat Tire Ale and a Ghurka NW and set out to watch the sunset.

Folks here have said that the stinkier a cigar is unlit the better it taste while lit. Well this was a stinking sucker, but it was surprisingly mellow on the palette. I'm feeling a very big nicotine hit (maybe it's just the martini. Nope the martini is only half empty) and the flavors were dark and strong but very pleasant.

I Like These! I think I like them a lot!

Meanwhile, I just broke down and bid for 3 different 5 packs on cigar bid. I've been "clean" from CBid for over 6 months. But I shared several cigars with a buddy last week and then sent him home with a few and my humidor just looked so empty. Oh well.

But Ghurka NW are nice. I may have to bid on another 5 since I've given away 3 of them.