Have you ever truly thought about all that you would gain by being able to quit smoking?

• Studies have shown that you will save a minimum of $50,000 in medical bills over the next 20 years when you quit smoking

• If you smoke 1~2 packs a day, you will be able to save approximately $30,000~$70,000 over the next 20 years by succeeding in your efforts to stop smoking " You can buy a House with that Money!"

• Medical research shows that on average you will live a minimum of 7 additional years if you quit smoking "Enjoy 7 More Great Years of Life"

• You will be able to earn additional income as a result of the reduced sick time that you will need (studies show that smokers get sick much more often than non-smokers)

• You will regain your health - medical studies show that health benefits begin as soon as 12 hours after you quit smoking.

Quit Smoking Now!
email me: fesyjon@yahoo.com