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Thread: ashauler...

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Los Angeles, California


    Case in point.

    Three new pointless threads over the past three days...

    This board is officially dead. It's not because of a recent split that caused turbulence which is working itself out, its because of the board. Its because of the people who make up the board. I'm not including you Shelby, I actually think you are, or were, one of the main contributors to this place. I can say a lot, but it'll probably fall on deaf ears. So I'll just say this, "look around". Is this what you want this board to be? A couple of people posting new stuff about meaningless shit that no one but themselves care about? A place that new members come to because of the posts that were from it's better days. That leave because they can see that the past posts do not reflect the boards current situation?

    Am I a troll? Maybe. Shelby you assumed that my post was full of insults and rock throwing. Wasn't that a bit presumptuous? I just wanted to discuss the current state of the board. I just wanted to talk about the lack of new posts. Three new posts in three days! Is that healthy? For the E world, that is DEAD.

    My main concern in this thread is the fact that everyone is taking my initial post for rock throwing, when it was initiated to open up a dialogue discussing the current state of affairs. You all must be blind if you can't see that this site is sinking, and sinking fast. Shelby, I can't remember the last time I've seen you post here. Drew just throws out snide comments from time to time, and Chris posts pointless OMG!!!'s in every other thread. I really don't want to live up to your thoughts of me, but is he as annoying in real life as his is online?

    Bottomline is... I don't even know what my point is anymore. I really don't care, and I find it hard to continue typing.
    Last edited by HersheyWalker; 09-25-2007 at 11:22 PM.

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by HersheyWalker View Post
    Case in point.

    Three new pointless threads over the past three days...

    This board is officially dead. It's not because of a recent split that caused turbulence which is working itself out, its because of the board. Its because of the people who make up the board. I'm not including you Shelby, I actually think you are, or were, one of the main contributors to this place. I can say a lot, but it'll probably fall on deaf ears. So I'll just say this, "look around". Is this what you want this board to be? A couple of people posting new stuff about meaningless shit that no one but themselves care about? A place that new members come to because of the posts that were from it's better days. That leave because they can see that the past posts do not reflect the boards current situation?

    Am I a troll? Maybe. Shelby you assumed that my post was full of insults and rock throwing. Wasn't that a bit presumptuous? I just wanted to discuss the current state of the board. I just wanted to talk about the lack of new posts. Three new posts in three days! Is that healthy? For the E world, that is DEAD.

    My main concern in this thread is the fact that everyone is taking my initial post for rock throwing, when it was initiated to open up a dialogue discussing the current state of affairs. You all must be blind if you can't see that this site is sinking, and sinking fast. Shelby, I can't remember the last time I've seen you post here. Drew just throws out snide comments from time to time, and Chris posts pointless OMG!!!'s in every other thread. I really don't want to live up to your thoughts of me, but is he as annoying in real life as his is online?

    Bottomline is... I don't even know what my point is anymore. I really don't care, and I find it hard to continue typing.

    If it's so hard to continue typing, do us all a favor and quit. If this place is dead, don't come back. Find a new board to mock.
    Better yet, if you don't like the pointless threads, why don't you make an effort and start a new thread that you consider relevant?
    If you don't like the place, either try to change it for the better or get the fuck out of here. Nobody needs your holier than thou attitude.

    "...all roads lead to cigars."
    "You will not change this forum. Simple as that. Accept it or move on, or you will be escorted from the premises."
    "Maybe you should just stop trying to be witty?"
    "Rule 17: Don’t turn your back on bears, men you have wronged, or the dominant turkey during mating season."
    -Dwight Schrute
    "Fuck I just like smoking. Who am I kidding?"
    "If you want to start a fuckin' hobby, start it."

  3. #23


    Quote Originally Posted by HersheyWalker View Post
    and Chris posts pointless OMG!!!'s in every other thread. I really don't want to live up to your thoughts of me, but is he as annoying in real life as his is online?
    OMG !!! LOLZ !!!
    Originally Posted by Heftysmokes:
    Maybe I should do a movie review on Apollo 13 and tell you all "that's as real as it gets" since I'm a fucking astronaut.

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by HersheyWalker View Post
    Drew just throws out snide comments from time to time, and Chris posts pointless OMG!!!'s in every other thread.
    Awww sweetie...thanks for thinking of me.

    Don't think that just because we don't have 100 new one word posts that this board is in any way "dead". Some people favor quality over quantity. Don't act all innocent either. When you make a back-handed remark about this site expect to be called on it.

    Oh yeah...gotta post something snide...
    {*insert snide remark here*}
    Trader Rating: +2112

  5. #25


    Quote Originally Posted by HersheyWalker View Post
    My main concern in this thread is the fact that everyone is taking my initial post for rock throwing, when it was initiated to open up a dialogue discussing the current state of affairs.
    Quote Originally Posted by HersheyWalker View Post
    Didn't you know this board is dead?

    "Member Moderated Board" ='s kicking out all the interesting people who speak from their heart. So what's left is a small group of self indulgent non-alpha's who gather around the few "established" members who've stuck around because they have imposed their will and made this place what it is.

    I suggest investing elsewhere.
    Your words betray you.

    Quote Originally Posted by HersheyWalker View Post
    Case in point.

    Three new pointless threads over the past three days...
    Hmmm... So, it has to be a tons of NEW threads for the board to be alive. Conversations happening in other threads doesn't count because it all has to be new threads. Gotcha.

    Ok everybody, no more responding to threads. Every response should be a new thread to stand on it's own. No more conversations you slackers! HersheySquirts wants tons of new threads...

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by HersheyWalker View Post
    Case in point.

    Three new pointless threads over the past three days...
    This is the only pointless thing I saw when I checked in this morning. Or maybe you do have a point.......I think WOXOF called it.....TROLL.

  7. #27


    Quote Originally Posted by ashauler View Post
    .......I think WOXOF called it.....TROLL.
    OMG !
    Originally Posted by Heftysmokes:
    Maybe I should do a movie review on Apollo 13 and tell you all "that's as real as it gets" since I'm a fucking astronaut.

  8. Default

    Don't you just love it when asshats come to roost? This hershey highway guy is a real hoot. I don't think he gets it. Well it's his loss.

    One more volley directed toward the hershey highway...I read in your profile you say you are an ectomorph...One who gains no weight from eating untold calories. Might I suggest brain wise you are ectomorphic also. No matter how much knowledge people cram into your brain you actually gain nothing from it.

    Now go away...You ain't worth the effort.
    Last edited by cigarsarge; 09-26-2007 at 11:21 AM.

  9. #29
    Join Date
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    Westminster, CO


    You know, Hershey, there are right ways and wrong ways to do things. Part of the lessons learned on this board is the way things are said and perceived. As Shaggy said, your words betray you.

    How about a post along these lines...

    Hey all - I really used to enjoy this board. There used to be lots of stuff going on and there were some intrersting and stimulating discussions here. It seems that a lot of the folks who were contributing members are still here but aren't posting too much any more. Anybody have any ideas how we can get this board and the folks on it involved again?

    Now, I think that is what you want us to believe you said, but I think what you are really saying is...

    This board used to be a great place to come and argue. Since some of the more dysfunctional folks have left there's no one to argue with any more. This board is dead and isn't worth the bandwidth it's using up. How about starting up some more controversy and let's bring back the rude, crude, good old days.

    So, as others have said, if you don't like the place. it behoves you to stay away. I have, in fact, posted here more recently. The board has lost several folks to other boards, but most of them seem to continue to mill around. I read this board and also CL, but I am concerned about the direction of CL (there, I've said it.) I think that others who used to be active here will be coming back pretty soon, and with the influx of new folks finding this place again, I think it is far from dead!

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by chefchris View Post
    OMG !
    LOL at Chris! For real! I needed a good laugh today. Thanks.

    Guys, I am a total noob here and have not earned my stripes so I accept that my thoughts may be ignored by long-standing, respected members. I also don't know all the history between the members here, but please understand that this type of dialog does not exactly encourage new members to join or participate.

    Having said that, I will add that in my short tenure here I have found the members to be decent, respectful, and helpful to each other. I am very appreciative of the wealth of information available in the archives here. Just my .02


  11. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shelby07 View Post
    You know, Hershey, there are right ways and wrong ways to do things. Part of the lessons learned on this board is the way things are said and perceived. As Shaggy said, your words betray you.

    How about a post along these lines...

    Hey all - I really used to enjoy this board. There used to be lots of stuff going on and there were some intrersting and stimulating discussions here. It seems that a lot of the folks who were contributing members are still here but aren't posting too much any more. Anybody have any ideas how we can get this board and the folks on it involved again?

    Now, I think that is what you want us to believe you said, but I think what you are really saying is...

    This board used to be a great place to come and argue. Since some of the more dysfunctional folks have left there's no one to argue with any more. This board is dead and isn't worth the bandwidth it's using up. How about starting up some more controversy and let's bring back the rude, crude, good old days.

    So, as others have said, if you don't like the place. it behoves you to stay away. I have, in fact, posted here more recently. The board has lost several folks to other boards, but most of them seem to continue to mill around. I read this board and also CL, but I am concerned about the direction of CL (there, I've said it.) I think that others who used to be active here will be coming back pretty soon, and with the influx of new folks finding this place again, I think it is far from dead!
    Well said Mark.

  12. #32


    Quote Originally Posted by Shelby07 View Post
    You know, Hershey, there are right ways and wrong ways to do things. Part of the lessons learned on this board is the way things are said and perceived. As Shaggy said, your words betray you.

    How about a post along these lines...

    Hey all - I really used to enjoy this board. There used to be lots of stuff going on and there were some intrersting and stimulating discussions here. It seems that a lot of the folks who were contributing members are still here but aren't posting too much any more. Anybody have any ideas how we can get this board and the folks on it involved again?

    Now, I think that is what you want us to believe you said, but I think what you are really saying is...

    This board used to be a great place to come and argue. Since some of the more dysfunctional folks have left there's no one to argue with any more. This board is dead and isn't worth the bandwidth it's using up. How about starting up some more controversy and let's bring back the rude, crude, good old days.

    So, as others have said, if you don't like the place. it behoves you to stay away. I have, in fact, posted here more recently. The board has lost several folks to other boards, but most of them seem to continue to mill around. I read this board and also CL, but I am concerned about the direction of CL (there, I've said it.) I think that others who used to be active here will be coming back pretty soon, and with the influx of new folks finding this place again, I think it is far from dead!

    Well said Mark. This board still is my home board, and it seems to me to have just as much activity as it normally has, so I don't see any huge changes. Yes a few have left due to the drama days, but many more have joined. Seems like there is life in the ole' thing so far.
    There's only two kinds of cigars, the kind you like and the kind you don't.

  13. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shelby07 View Post
    You know, Hershey, there are right ways and wrong ways to do things. Part of the lessons learned on this board is the way things are said and perceived. As Shaggy said, your words betray you.

    How about a post along these lines...

    Hey all - I really used to enjoy this board. There used to be lots of stuff going on and there were some intrersting and stimulating discussions here. It seems that a lot of the folks who were contributing members are still here but aren't posting too much any more. Anybody have any ideas how we can get this board and the folks on it involved again?

    Now, I think that is what you want us to believe you said, but I think what you are really saying is...

    This board used to be a great place to come and argue. Since some of the more dysfunctional folks have left there's no one to argue with any more. This board is dead and isn't worth the bandwidth it's using up. How about starting up some more controversy and let's bring back the rude, crude, good old days.

    So, as others have said, if you don't like the place. it behoves you to stay away. I have, in fact, posted here more recently. The board has lost several folks to other boards, but most of them seem to continue to mill around. I read this board and also CL, but I am concerned about the direction of CL (there, I've said it.) I think that others who used to be active here will be coming back pretty soon, and with the influx of new folks finding this place again, I think it is far from dead!
    OMG! stop're making too much sense.
    {*insert snide remark here*}
    Trader Rating: +2112

  14. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by cigar no baka View Post
    Well said Mark. This board still is my home board, and it seems to me to have just as much activity as it normally has, so I don't see any huge changes. Yes a few have left due to the drama days, but many more have joined. Seems like there is life in the ole' thing so far.
    Well put. This is has always been my favorite board, and the first one that I check. Hell, it's been my homepage for some time now.
    {*insert snide remark here*}
    Trader Rating: +2112

  15. #35
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Smoked! View Post
    Guys, I am a total noob here and have not earned my stripes so I accept that my thoughts may be ignored by long-standing, respected members. I also don't know all the history between the members here, but please understand that this type of dialog does not exactly encourage new members to join or participate.
    Your future words will speak volumes. You are a noob to this board, but according to your profile you are not a noob to life. In the past, some would not take that into account.

  16. #36
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    Precipitously close to disaster.


    Very interesting perspective from Hershey...

    "camaraderie" - it means "good fellowship"... Hmmm...

  17. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by ggiese View Post
    "camaraderie" - it means "good fellowship"...

  18. #38


    looks like i missed out on all the fun... but on the upside, there are like 20 new threads since i got on last. haha.

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