K. Goin on the advise of another, here's an intro about me, to introduce myself to the others here on this site. I plan on partaking a bunch here.

My name is Chris. I'm in the 82nd Airborne. I'm a medic. I play the guitar, I have a newborn son and beautiful wife. My interests are fishing, watches, sports (especially the Red Sox and Patriots) I'm from Mass/New Hampshire. I love my job. I've been smoking for about 4 years now. I mainly smoke Fuente's and CAO's although I'll often smoke whatever the gentleman that owns the store I get my cigars from recommends... He isn't part of a chain store, and I almost always enjoy what he gives me... Recently, Lito Gomez, 601's and Oliva serie V. Once in a while, an Edge...(that's one of the only cigars that my dad smokes...) I like Kuba Kuba's once in a while. I'm friendly, smartassed friendly... Anything else ya wanna know, just ask...
