Now this is sweet -

My wife has been after me to brew up a couple batch of this beer she likes for the fall/winter and to have around for the holidays.

I said OK.

Then she said I should start Kegging my beer. I had bought a couple 5 gallon kegs a few years ago but never got the rest of the stuff.

Then last night she said she wants me to order the rest of the kegging stuff.

Dam, don't need to hear that twice.

So I have now ordered all the stuff and will be converting a fridge in the basement into a two product kegerator.

I'm putting tap handles on the door, drip tray with a drain, etc.

I also have some commercial connectors from my bartending days so I think I first set this up with a 5.5 gallon commercial keg while the home brew is doing it's thing.

I'll post a pic or two once the stuff arrives and I have it set up. I ordered it today so hopefully next week I'll be able to get it installed.

This is either going to be a really good thing or a really bad, but fun, thing.