Hey guys,
i just got home from a trip to washington, and this morning when i was going through security i saw something that truly pissed me off...
just to give you some background on my feelings about heightened security after 911, i moved into NYC, into battery park city 2 weeks before 911 with my family, i lost family members on 911, and i also lost basically my life and found myself consumed with anxiety (that i still have but am able to control), so i am i BIG advocate of airport security, i have been pulled aside and told to drop trow and i do so without complaining, i take off my shoes, i don't mind the long lines, i understand why its important, and i believe its important.

HOWEVER, this morning i am standing on the security line, and a few people ahead of me, there was an elderly couple, the husband pushing the wheelchair and his wife sitting in it, and if i had to estimate id say she was about my grandmas age, probably about 85-90 if i had to guess. and so finally its their turn, and i look up, and the security guard tells this old lady that she has to stand up and walk through the the metal detector. this woman could BARELY stand up, and clearly couldn't walk on her own, and the security guard just stood there as the elderly man struggled to help her up out of the wheel chair which was clearly an ordeal. SO i cut head of the line, walked right up to the front, dropped my bag, and assisted the elderly man getting his wife through the metal detector. and when they were off clearly embarrassed, so i turned to the security guard and told him he was a disgrace (and didn't use any 4 lettered words because there were children present). he than asked me if there was a problem and looked over at the army guys with their guns, and i said "yeah your the problem, what the hell are u doing making that lady get up? if that was my grandmother, and i saw that, i would break both ur legs and make u walk around" the guy didn't say anything, i finished my security check and went on to my flight.

i honestly couldn't believe it. they couldn't pull her aside and use the wand, they forced her to get out of the wheelchair, NO one helped, i saw some army guys with rifles just watching and the rest of the security personnel was as well, i couldn't believe it, when i say disgust doesn't come close to how i felt...