A question for you guys/gals to ponder:

I was at our local cigar bar the other night, enjoying a few drinks and cigars with friends. I notice a gentleman at the end of the bar sitting alone with a cocktail and an unlit CAO Soprano giant cigar...is that The Boss?...anyway, it was big. To my horror, he begins lighting this thing with the "foot band" still attached. He's just puffing away, flames are shooting in the air; it's a true sight to behold. At one point, he's casually smoking this thing while the foot is on fire. He is obviously not enjoying the flavor either. I mean, it's paper.

My question to you guys is: Do you say something?

I didn't want to embarrass the guy, but at the same time he spent probably $15 on a cigar. Is it my responsibility to teach this guy how to properly light a cigar or is it the retailer (of which there are many floating around the bar) to let him know? Was it the guy's responsibility to know how to smoke a cigar before he lit it? If I did intervene, how do you do so without coming off sounding like a complete cigar snob?

I see this kind of thing all the time, though not to that extreme, at this particular bar; people just smoking cigars because they're offered at the establishment. I've seen bic lighters used on Hemingways, people lighting the wrong end of a Davidoff & young guys raising hell because they've sold out of ACID cigars...it's ridiculous.

What do you guys/gals think?