Well, I lost my job yesterday. First off, my boss is a complete idiot. As some of you know, I scambait (screw w/ scammers). My boss thinks it's illegal and told me to stop. So I did at work. None of his business what I do on my own time. So he told me yesterday that he knew I was still doing it and the FBI was going to track me down and arrest me. I tried to explain to him that it is the complete opposite of illegal and that I work with Law Enforcement. His other problem with me is that I smoke cigars. "At work" you ask? No. Lunch Breaks? Nope. At home after work is when I enjoy a cigar. This is a quote from the letter he gave me:

"It is not my business what you do on your own time, but when you at times come in to our non-smoking atmosphere smelling strongly of cigar smoke, neither I nor the non-smoking customers want to smell it."

When he was having the talk with me, he was saying that I was being young and stupid. He said it was light him lighting a $20 bill and smoking it and saying, "Yeah, this is good". He talked about cigars for 10 minutes.

He then proceeded to witness to me for 45 minutes. No exaggeration. As many of you know, I am a Christian. He thinks I'm not because of the way I look and because I smoke cigars. Here's another quote from the letter:

"I especially hope and pray that you might really find and have a genuine personal relationship with The Lord Jesus Christ. Without that and receiving His guidance and direction for you life, it is all meaningless." He then listed some scripture."

This had nothing to do with how I preformed my job. He had nothing bad to say about that aspect. Which doesn't surprise me, I was awesome at my job.

2 weeks ago he accused me and Tod, the other employee, of stealing money and jobs from him. He kept asking why business is so slow. So what's he do? Gives us a raise. This makes no sense. Business is slow because he's running it into the ground. We have the highest prices in town and he never gets work done on time. I've been there 2 years and have noticed a drastic change in the business.

He's done so many things wrong. I know this. I'm sure I could take this to court or whatever but I'm just not going to worry about it. The man is out of his mind.

So I have no idea what I'm going to do. He really screwed me over, but I'm glad to finally get out of there. I have to return my shirts Monday. I thought about stringing them up in my living room and smoking em out. My dad said I should use them as a filter, just draw smoke through the shirt.

I don't live with my mom or anything and have bills to pay just like a real grown-up. I'm a little stressed, but maybe I'll wind up alot happier than I was.