Well, I have been having a rough sort of week with work stuff and being out of town for the last week or so. Well, today while running errands I decided to get a quick bite at the infamous Micky D's. I don't know if this is done at McDonald's in your area, but some of the McDonalds here hire mentally challenged people (literally) to work the lobby cleaning up and stuff like that. While I sometimes felt a little uncomfortable with being forced into a conversation with some when they come up to you and just start talking, it didn't really bother be that much. That sort of changed today.

So, I get my order and sit down. As I sit down, I hear the Special guy telling one of his co-workers taking a break that he called the suicide hotline last night because he was sad, his mother was dead, and sometimes he just wants to see her again.....Anyway, I am sitting there minding my own business, when he comes up and asks me if I am Asian, to which I reply yes that I am half Korean. His next question was "Did you hear about that guy at Virginia Tech, I again say yes and think to myself well, maybe that was the only connection he could make. So he walks off to dump some trays or something, and then he comes back in a few seconds, and says "Well, I think they should not let all the Koreans come over here.......If that's the way they are going to act, maybe they should ship them all back". To say the least, I was a little shocked. The nicest thing I could manage to say was "Well, that's a good point, maybe we should kill off all the stupid people too", I could tell he didn't really understand what I was saying. I was done eating at that point, so I just got up and dumped my tray.

In hindsight it was funny in a sense, after the week I have had, I go into a McDonalds and get told off by a mentally challenged guy (<-- not really the term I am thinking of).