SO here's the deal. In a little over a month I will be going on business travel for the next 2-3 years. I can't exactly take my entire cooler with me so I am reducing my stash. What better way than a contest?!

The contest is to guess where my first assignment will be. I won't even know this for a few more weeks. Here are the rules:

1. In order to play you must be active and in good standing with the board, 50 post minimum. Final decision of eligibility is up to me.

2. One post per person, no editing.

3. You must guess city and state, and the first correct guess wins. If no one guesses correctly the winner will be the guess closest geographically to my assignment

4. The contest ends when I find out where I'm going (supposedly sometime in early March).

The prize will be a premo package from me, and I mean some seriously choice sticks.

Happy guessing!!
