Quote Originally Posted by chefchris View Post
Enjoy your day off.

I am fighting back an on coming cold. My throat became soar yesterday and isn't any better today. I took some thera-flu last night and was asleep by 10pm. Then woke up at 11:30pm wide awake. So I got up and watched Logan's Run and finally fell back asleep around 4:00am. Then got a wake up call at 7:00am to inform me of my interview. Been up since. Not feeling too hot. I just went to WalMart and got some medicine and rented The Assassination of Jesse James by the coward Robert Ford. Gonna lay down and rest. Wish I could light up a smoke.
Sorry you're not feeling well - dude Zicam. It's a homeopathic remedy that you can find at any larger Px chain or grocery store. Some people say BS, but I take it exactly like the label says and it works.