So I was planning on buying a box of PAM Principes and Soprano Soldiers. I figure I have a somewhat decent collection started, and I wanted to buy some premium goto smokes for special occasions or for a pick me up from a bad week at work. I am going to use some of the money I get back from taxes to put towards these. But Im stuck on the thought that maybe I should use the money I was going to spend on them, on 4 or 5 boxes of less expensive smokes, to really expand my collection.

Im torn cause I just love the PAMs and Sorpanos, but I also really like the cigars that I could get instead too.

A) For $413 + what ever shipping and additional costs
  • Sopranos Soldiers - $213
  • PAM Principe - $200 (could be more since I was going to buy these from my B&M if he can get them)

B) For $393 + what ever shipping and additional costs (also may be able get some cheaper on Cbid)
  • Cusano 18 Paired Maduro - $76
  • Torano Exodus 1959 - $88
  • Romeo y Julieta Reserva Real - $112
  • Tatuaje Havana VI - $117

Was also thinking about swapping some of the above out for JDN Antano Consul, Camacho SLR, and some others.

So what would you do? Im still leaning more towards option A atm though.