Okay folks, it seems that the cigarsmokers members are quite a fertile bunch, and I was getting the guilts for not having my own baby contest. So here it is-

Members must be in good standing; no douchebags.
No edited posts.

Each member is allowed 2 guesses, one between now and March 18th (ultrasound) and one after March 19th when I post a potentially changed due date. Confused?

Here's what you need in your guess for it to count:

1. Boy or girl?
2. Time of delivery?
3. Due date?

Okay, base your first guess on this estimated due date--> August 10.

On March 19th I will post the due date given to us by the doctor after the ultrasound at which point you can add a second guess based on that date (nice run on!).

Good luck, winner gets a package of NICE sticks.