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Thread: What to do while smoking?

  1. #1
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    Default What to do while smoking?

    Most of the cigars I have smoked in my extremely short tenure as a cigar smoker have been at least 45 minutes, but most of them are over an hour. I can't sit still that long and simply smoke the cigar. I need something else to do.

    To fill the time, I read. Sometimes play chess on the computer, or a PSP game. As the cigar gets closer to the end, the smoke is more intense, and I'm not cool enough to keep it in my mouth until it gets too close to my lips, demanding hand-interaction.

    I was just wondering what other forum members do to pass the time while relaxing with a cigar.

    Age Quod Agis

    1 Strike

  2. #2


    I almost always smoke a cigar and read. It's a chance to wind down and I enjoy doing both.

    In other instances, I'll smoke a cigar while playing pool or while I'm watching some sporting event at a bar. can't beat a few friends and good conversation too.

    Occasionally, if the girlfriend is in a good mood, I'll get to smoke a cigar while we drive. We go to Birmingham, Al about once a month and I usually have about 2 hours to enjoy a cigar on the way down and back.

  3. #3
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    I have a cigar in my hands so much, it's like an extra finger no need to keep occupied... just go about my normal business.

    Just wish they would let me fire up at work!
    "We're at NOW now... everything that's hapening now... is happening NOW!"

    ~ Col. Sanders ~

    "I guess all we need to do now is give a shit what you think. I'll work on that."

    ~ ashauler ~

  4. #4
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    If I'm smoking alone, I try to just....smoke. Put on some good tunes, have a drink (plus refills) nearby, and just sit on my ass and enjoy my cigar.

    If I'm with friends, we usually just sit around and bullshit or play cards.

    "...all roads lead to cigars."
    "You will not change this forum. Simple as that. Accept it or move on, or you will be escorted from the premises."
    "Maybe you should just stop trying to be witty?"
    "Rule 17: Don’t turn your back on bears, men you have wronged, or the dominant turkey during mating season."
    -Dwight Schrute
    "Fuck I just like smoking. Who am I kidding?"
    "If you want to start a fuckin' hobby, start it."

  5. #5


    I usually reflect upon the question of "why is everyone else on this road driving like a fucking idiot"

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrtr33 View Post
    I was just wondering what other forum members do to pass the time while relaxing with a cigar.
    When it's warm enough outside to smoke (it's about 30 degrees out today) I like to sit a read if I'm alone, with friends we'll drink and shoot the shit, or play cards (hold'em or stud usually).

    But these months that it's cold up here I tend to walk and smoke, that way by the time I finish a quick smoke (30-45mins) I'm at the bar ready to get warmed up and then on the way home I don't feel the cold quite so bad
    Just a stay at home dad (retired until I choose otherwise, thanks Canadian Army medical pension) hanging out and enjoying the good life.

  7. Default

    I usually only smoke when I go off from work, watch some sports or settle down for bed....

    Can't enjoy a smoke while being active...

  8. #8
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    My uncle has a cabin outside of Sydenham I go and visit every late summer/early fall. We whack largemouth down there with the abundance of frogs on Otter Lake. That part of the world has gazillions of lakes, I love going up there. If I could figure out a way to make a little bit of money living in that little cabin, I would never leave.

    What I don't understand is how people golf while they smoke cigars. My golf experience extends to the driving range. I own two clubs, and only go to driving ranges where I can drink while I swing. I have done it once smoking a cigar (it's still cold here) but it's more a nuisance than anything.

    Age Quod Agis

    1 Strike

  9. #9
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    Ill throw a movie in the Lappy, game it up on the PSP (just recently picked one up), listen to some tunes, drink, or just sit there and chill and just relax and/or think. Basically what ever I feel like doing at that particular day at said time.
    Yay! Cigars!

  10. Default

    I scratch my nutz and watch the tv.

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by cigarsarge View Post
    I scratch my nutz and watch the tv.
    It's good to know that you don't eat Cheetos, scratch your nutz and watch TV.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by nhcigarfan View Post
    I usually reflect upon the question of "why is everyone else on this road driving like a fucking idiot"
    No kiddin', I do this one alot too. I usually smoke alone, either in the garage by the wood stove if its cold, or on the patio if warm. I either read, listen to talk radio, or surf around on the laptop.....sometimes I scratch my nutz, but never while watching TV or eating cheetos.

  13. #13
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    ill just have afew drinks and maybe watch a movie or sit in front of the computer and read about what other cigarsmokers are doing.

  14. #14


    I used to just browse the internet. Now that it's warming up I sit outside on my new patio chairs for as long as I can stand it or sit in here and watch TV. There's nothing to look at outside and I usually get bothered by my obnoxious neighbor. At least inside I can choose to not answer the door.
    Originally Posted by Heftysmokes:
    Maybe I should do a movie review on Apollo 13 and tell you all "that's as real as it gets" since I'm a fucking astronaut.

  15. #15


    Listen to music, read, talk if company is available, drink something, live life

  16. Cool

    I'm usually playing Texas Holdem while surfing the net. Weather's starting to turn. Soon, it will be sit around the fire time.
    "No one can tell me what is a good cigar -- for me. I am the only judge. There are no standards -- no real standards. Each man's preference is the only standard for him, the only one which he can accept, the only one which can command him."
    ~ Mark Twain

  17. #17
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    I usually don't smoke alone, so I shoot the breeze and drink. Cigar Tasting and Beer tasting tend to go hand in hand with me.
    "If you look for truth, you may find comfort in the end; if you look for comfort you will not get either comfort or truth only soft soap and wishful thinking to begin, and in the end, despair." -C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity

  18. Default

    Being that Im so young I dont have many friends around me that smoke cigars, atleast as much as me. Sometimes I will beable to get some to smoke with me and chat/play cards. When the weathers warm I usually sit outside by my pool and smoke not doing to much. Recently I have been going to my B&M and smoke there. Been talking to some people and watch TV there. Over the past few days Ive been smoking there just about every day. Im actually thinking of reading a bit. I need another hobby to go with my smoking.

  19. #19


    I can't believe no one is surfing porn. Isn't that what this internet is for?

  20. #20
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    sit outside with some coffee- grill or read

    play online poker

    sit in the garage and stream some netflix movies/shows or a good T&A movie if the kids are out.

    work on small crafts like pipe restoration, drawing or carving
    Mama said a lot of things and be thankful was the one she never minded saying twice

    --Drive-By Truckers

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