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Thread: Unspoken rules

  1. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by CoventryCat86 View Post
    How about the LSD type "acid?"
    Oh, Bill. That was a youthful indiscretion.

  2. #62
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    Funny thing, Kendall -your attempt to rally the troops at CP was a big fail. What was not a big fail though - you have the attention of some folks who are now wondering who fishy really is...

    You shouldn't have played dress up. That's bad manners wherever you go...

  3. Default

    Still some good people at CP but not like the old days.I'm suprised we weren't invaded by a bunch of idiots who still live in their parents basement carrying a cross for kendall. Pitiful troll at best,like showing up to a gunfight with toenail clippers. Go back to CP where they semi tolerate you .
    The older I get ,the better I was

  4. #64
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    Kevin - No one even chastised me on CP for messing with Kendall here. They didn't even touch it. it goes with what I said a while back. Kendall is not as respected as he believes. And fishy completely miscalculated the membership here. Shame on him if he's not that bright...

    Nope - i'm sure he did not realize it when he started this venture, but fishy made a big mistake. Hopefully he gets it now or things could get much worse. the first session is always a warning of things yet to come. And if his buddies want to come here and play silly games like Kendall - more power to them. Those that matter at CP are tuned into the silliness.
    Last edited by ggiese; 06-02-2013 at 09:31 AM.

  5. Default

    I don't think many of the newer members at CP realize the ramifications of Fishy's behavior. They're just naive and clueless.

    Do draft dodgers have reunions? And if so what do they talk about?

  6. Default

    Kind of like standing in a crowd and whipping out your dick and nobody notices except some old woman who just points and laughs
    The older I get ,the better I was

  7. #67


    I thought this would follow the typical flow of a melt down thread, new person whines about community and members here. Gets put in place, responds by announcing how important he is to the world. Giving us all a hearty laugh before closing the show with tears and fireworks for all to enjoy.

    Instead it gets even funnier as he begs for help on another forum.

  8. #68


    Y'all have me confused with someone else. But again, I do appreciate the amount of attention you all give me.

  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by hog View Post
    Y'all have me confused with someone else. But again, I do appreciate the amount of attention you all give me.

  10. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by hog View Post
    Y'all have me confused with someone else. But again, I do appreciate the amount of attention you all give me.
    Your lips say no, but that pesky IP address gives you away...

  11. #71
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    This is not some community where anyone who can type on a keyboard is necessarily accepted. Not that the community is snobbish, but if your intent for this board is only to enrich yourself without consideration of others - you should rethink your purpose for joining. This is a community of individuals, with a similar passion for cigars. Beyond that - it is also a community of individuals where honest and integrity do matter.

    However - in the words of our fearless leader:

    Duplicate Accounts are not permitted. Anyone caught signing up duplicate accounts is subject to immediate banning (yes your main account will be banned too). If you think you might fall under this new policy, then PM me and we can handle the matter with out the drama.


    Mr. "hog" has been given plenty of latitude to speak his piece - far more than he should have been permitted according to board rules. More importantly - far more than he deserved considering the absolute snarky method he used to post on this site. This sneaking around nonsense is nothing by horse hockey pucks and completely against the standards of this community.

    IP evidence alone is an absolutely compelling reason to send Mr. "hog" packing. in addition - clearly from his own admission he is playing dress up. If you can't stand by your own reputation, you certainly will not stand by some contrivance of a reputation. Such nonsense cannot and will not be tolerated in this community.

    If at any time Mr. "hog" wishes to rejoin this community to further state his case - so be it. I, for one, welcome him coming back in his real identity to defend his position. After all - even if I do not agree with his position we truly are a democracy.

    In all fairness to this entire community - to seek reinstatement "hog" will need to ask the admistration to have his account reactivated. Because he at least owes this community the honesty to identify himself, no reinstatement will be considered until he has satisfactorily identified himself. We will then leave it up to the rest of the community to decide his fate beyond that.

    'nuff said...

    To the brother that kept me honest (you know who you are) - THANK YOU. I hear your message loud and clear!
    Last edited by ggiese; 06-10-2013 at 07:48 AM.

  12. #72
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    Good riddance.
    Quote Originally Posted by badwhale View Post
    Buzz is smoking our cigars. This probably is his triumphant scam.

  13. #73
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    A big shout out to our friend Mr. hog - who has been joining us several times a day via TapaTalk!

    If at any time Mr. "hog" wishes to rejoin this community to further state his case - so be it. I, for one, welcome him coming back in his real identity to defend his position. After all - even if I do not agree with his position we truly are a democracy.

    In all fairness to this entire community - to seek reinstatement "hog" will need to ask the admistration to have his account reactivated. Because he at least owes this community the honesty to identify himself, no reinstatement will be considered until he has satisfactorily identified himself. We will then leave it up to the rest of the community to decide his fate beyond that.
    Hey "hog" - I'm thinking with all the honesty and integrity you profess - and this incredible base of folks that hang on your every word - you'd want to finish what you started in dressing down this community of misfits. Are you coming back any time soon? Drop me a line!!!

  14. #74


    Came here to learn about unspoken rules so I don't break em as a newb. OP did not deliver.

    Well now I know what not to do!

  15. Default

    Haha, agreed! I'm brand new here as well and thought this would be a good thread to learn the rules... Learn by example (or lack thereof) I suppose!

  16. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by bretted432 View Post
    Haha, agreed! I'm brand new here as well and thought this would be a good thread to learn the rules... Learn by example (or lack thereof) I suppose!
    So - what have you learned from this thread?

  17. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by ggiese View Post
    So - what have you learned from this thread?
    Maybe something about the unwritten rules, but not the ones plainly posted.

  18. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by ggiese View Post
    So - what have you learned from this thread?
    Learned to try not to aggravate the community! I also learned not to suggest a cigar that the community doesn't like :P

  19. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by bretted432 View Post
    Learned to try not to aggravate the community! I also learned not to suggest a cigar that the community doesn't like :P
    Some people walk into a room and see a crowd of noisy folks and assume the best approach is to make everyone aware they're there - others take the time to observe who's in the room and come to appreciate and respect the diversity of the group.

    Funny how those that turn their nose up often can't live with the wonderful beauty, harmony and diversity of the group and make it their mission to destroy that group like a clanging cymbal.

    Say what you want, recommend what you want, live as you would. But understand the community is seeing you for who you are and what you represent. And - will decide whether you should be integrated into the group, or dumped into the orchestra pit with all the other cymbal clangers.

  20. #80
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    Having a personal preference for a specific cigar, or not, is very different from recommending cigars that are "newb friendly". Your suggestion could have been tongue-in-cheek, but since I don't know fuck-all about you I can't tell whether that is the case, or if it is just a shitty recommendation for an introductory cigar from a fairly inexperienced smoker.

    Perhaps in another couple of days when you've posted a couple of hundred times I'll have a better idea of which way to lean.

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