Hey my last 2 introductions didn't go through for some reason so here's my next one, its just a copy/paste but whatever...

Hi my name is Adam and i'm from south New Jersey. I'm 18 years old and I think I'm ready to start smoking some cigars. I have yet to smoke anything but I'm going to try some tonight. I just picked up 2 cigars, and they were free.

Heres the story: I work at a bank and there is a tobacco B&M in the same shopping center/strip mall/whatever as our bank. I know the manager there b/c they bank with us. Anyway, I went in to buy a cutter and a lighter today and I bought decent ones of each, total came to like $60 or something(40 for the cutter 20ish for the lighter +tax). He threw in a full can of butane for me too. After that I was about to leave and he told me to wait a second.

I came back in and he was putting some cigars in a plastic bag that they put all cigar purchases in. Turns out he gave me a CAO Mx2, which looks like its a ...Robusto? its roughly 5" long. and a CAO Gold which was slightly longer, unsure of the size though?