I think that song is hilarious and does fit me a little. I was trying to show you guys that i can take the criticism and even make fun of myself a little and i thought you guys might find it funny too.

Maybe i am an asshole in some ways, but you can really be a tough crowd. I am who i am and i can't change that. A little friendly criticism is not a bad thing but i think i've taken enough. I think it speaks a lot to someones character when all they do is put people down. I have really tried to get along, and to not just take from the forum but give info and reviews where i can.

Maybe some of you are right when you say this isn't the forum for me. It seems very impersonal and dry....i think would be the term. If i have learned one thing about cigars its that they are more than just rich, or creamy, or spicy.......they can cause us to feel emotions, and I have learned that when you are feeling a certain way then certain cigars compliment that. So its my wish that there could be a forum where that is not left out of the equation. Where people were free to express themselves and not be ridiculed for it.

So with all of that said, feel free to kick me off of here if you really feel that way. To those i have offended im sorry. No matter what happens im still going to enjoy cigars and hopefully will be able to help out some new guys when they discover that they love cigars too. Maybe it will be on this forum, mabye not.