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Thread: From Niagara Falls

  1. #81


    Quote Originally Posted by ggiese View Post
    Oh, Dennis... Please - don't pretend to be so clueless. I think you are much better than that.

    But - then again - perhaps I am wrong. Maybe you are that clueless, and all along I've been giving you much more credit than you deserve?

    I think you understand where everyone is coming from. And - quite frankly - I believe you come from there as well. I don't understand your attraction to this forum if you're so unhappy with the way things are done.

    ...or perhaps you'd really, truly like to see things change? Perhaps you're not so satisfied with the dynamics of this forum and now is the time for a "revolution"?

    If that's the case - I can't wait to see how this is all going to pan out for you...
    Oh Holy Moses. I can't believe I was that stupid. Honestly no-one ever dropped a hint. I am embarrased to no end. Wow

  2. #82


    I quit reading on page 7

    Two comments:
    1: Ted can do no wrong. Leave it at that.

    2: We should eliminate the edit feature. Threads get confusing and hard to follow when phucktards (apparently Mr. C) can edit their stupidity.

  3. #83
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    Quote Originally Posted by ashauler View Post
    More like 8 minutes:
    Perhaps I made a mistake in reading your post, which I did just seconds after you posted it but was unable to reply at that instant. I'm not above making an error, and i must admit that I simply replied to the post and didn't re-read the thread when I was able to log back in later. However, I made no assertion you were a liar in PUBLIC. Your statement that you didn't edit that part of the post was made in PRIVATE. All of your attacks on me have been PUBLIC, with no attempt at private communication.

    You've also posted twice in this thread prior to your attack on basil, once offering to moon someone to get the "point across"......then the Angelina Jolie photo. I get the Angelina one not being about the thread, but more funny, but not the first one. Is this more of your double standard?

    How about your attack on SMEG? He offended you, and you personally attacked him right off the bat.......more double standard? I don't think I even posted in that thread at all, but I could have and just don't remember it.

    Here ya go: do a google search and you can get the image for yourself, this one is in my album so you might not be able to link to it.

    I will have difficulty regaining the respect that I once had for you.
    I have been able to confirm that I did indeed make an error in my reading of the Pryme portion of your post DW. For that, and my resulting post that insinuated that you did edit that portion of the post, I apologize.

  4. #84
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    Precipitously close to disaster.


    Ok, ok, ok... Quit, already. I admit it - when I type a response, I figure the community has insight into my humor. I'm thinking we have to set up webcams so that my snarkiness comes off better...

    Seven more posts = Mr. C is currently at 23 posts (or was, anyway) and is seven posts away from being a "30 post wonder". know who I'm talking about - I eluded to it in my earlier posts. Mr. C appesrs to me to be one of those individuals that comes in all bent on pulling what he needs from the community in 30 posts or less. Doesn't bother to read the board - that's too time consuming - and DAMN IT - wants some answers. And - by GAWD - you better not say anything nasty. Don't even look at him funny. And - GAWD FORBID - say ANYTHING at all that even remotely sounds like you're not stepping to his tune or there will be HELL to pay (i.e. "I'm outta here! You're a bunch of LOSERS!!! ").

    Sound at all familiar??

    I might be wrong - but Mr. C may have already had his fill with us...

    Now - if you don't mind - I'm going back to my weekend planning. That dadgummed son of mine - in all his strapping hunkiness - broke off the caliper bolt in the caliper slide on the passenger front wheel, and now I gotta beg/borrow/steal a new one because the dadgummed manufacturer made it impossible to get a new one without possessing some kind of secret handshake/sign to get past their inventory control system... Sheessshhh... What happened to the good 'ol days of buying those kinds of things on eBay...

  5. #85


    I have made it a rule never to smoke more that one cigar at a time.
    Mark Twain

  6. #86


    Quote Originally Posted by Galvanicfish View Post

    That emo is restricted until 300 posts.

  7. #87


    Well shit, guess I have to turn into a postitute or something
    I have made it a rule never to smoke more that one cigar at a time.
    Mark Twain

  8. #88



  9. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by Galvanicfish View Post
    See? There IS benefit to posting more than 30 times!!!

  10. Default

    When you fags are done thumping that dead horse I might slide in and slip it the big dick
    The older I get ,the better I was

  11. #91
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    Quote Originally Posted by kevin7 View Post
    When you fags are done thumping that dead horse I might slide in and slip it the big dick

  12. #92


    Quote Originally Posted by ashauler View Post
    Just like you said about me, and Ted said about me..........Ted can speak for himself, and I have little doubt that he will do so. I'm speaking for myself in my posts, as I am prone to do.

    Your post was, just that, a post, made in public, that I felt the need to respond to. If someone had posted a blatant attack on you, and I saw it, I would have responded in the same manner.

    It is telling that you avoided responding to my questions regarding your double-standard and instead wish to portray me as imagining your attack on me. You mentioned my name on the Pryme thingy, the problem you had with that, if your private communications with me are to be believed, had nothing to do with me. I did not host or suggest the split iirc, only agreed to trade for a 5er, which was completed satisfactorily by your own admission.

    I really don't care to continue this drama, at least the part of it between you and me, positions are clear, and ain't gonna change anytime soon.

    "Thanking you for what? Exposing your true self? I see nothing else that has changed. "

    If you're a "Moderator" then why not display it? If you don't care to continue this drama then what's this?
    Last edited by DeeDubya; 08-11-2009 at 08:31 PM. Reason: Deleted profanity and vulgar explitives.

  13. #93
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeeDubya View Post
    "Thanking you for what? Exposing your true self? I see nothing else that has changed. "

    If you're a "Moderator" then why not display it? If you don't care to continue this drama then what's this?
    Never said I was a moderator. You didn't answer my question.

  14. #94


    Quote Originally Posted by ashauler View Post
    Never said I was a moderator. You didn't answer my question.
    I didn't answer your question? Why do I or anyone else have to answer to you?

    You said the drama was over and here you try to start some shit.

  15. #95


    Incessant badgering does finally drive people away. You've got that one down pat. Some just give up and go on to other forums. Some probably just give up. I'll grant you this. I have seen some good judgement. But. so many times it never reaches that point. One little slip by a defensive newbie and he's out. I think it sucks and I think there's room for improvement.
    This community needs some moderators. Someone who has some respect for others. I don't think you understand what a moderator does so I don't think you would be a candidate. Sorry.

  16. #96


    Quote Originally Posted by DeeDubya View Post
    This community needs some moderators. Someone who has some respect for others. I don't think you understand what a moderator does so I don't think you would be a candidate. Sorry.

    We have moderators. Me being one of them. Want me to prove it?

    If you dislike it around here so, then I will gladly assist in showing you the door.
    Last edited by Shagaroo; 08-11-2009 at 10:45 PM. Reason: Extra words sense no make.....

  17. #97


    Quote Originally Posted by Shagaroo View Post
    We have moderators. Me being one of them. Want to me to prove it?

    If you dislike it around here so, then I will gladly assist in showing you the door.
    What I dislike is unfair behavior.

  18. #98


    Quote Originally Posted by DeeDubya View Post
    What I dislike is unfair behavior.
    You will not change this forum. Simple as that. Accept it or move on, or you will be escorted from the premises.

  19. #99
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shagaroo View Post
    You will not change this forum. Simple as that. Accept it or move on, or you will be escorted from the premises.
    Been off for a bit with home renovation and family stuff but I just had to say I certainly like that attitude Shag. This forum was the first place I ever discussed cigars and the only board I still visit. I would be terribly disappointed to come on and find my home all fucktarded up.
    "I'm a leaf on the wind watch how I soar."
    Hoban Washburn

  20. #100
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeeDubya View Post
    I didn't answer your question? Why do I or anyone else have to answer to you?

    You said the drama was over and here you try to start some shit.
    I started some shit? Really? Why would you not want to answer simple questions? With all the support you have and everything.

    Quote Originally Posted by DeeDubya
    Incessant badgering does finally drive people away. You've got that one down pat. Some just give up and go on to other forums. Some probably just give up. I'll grant you this. I have seen some good judgement. But. so many times it never reaches that point. One little slip by a defensive newbie and he's out. I think it sucks and I think there's room for improvement.
    This community needs some moderators. Someone who has some respect for others. I don't think you understand what a moderator does so I don't think you would be a candidate. Sorry.
    Never said I was a moderator, wanted to be a moderator, or had the qualifications to be one. Besides, the mods we have here do a fine job.
    Last edited by ashauler; 08-12-2009 at 03:23 AM. Reason: to add

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