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Thread: New Home Contest

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  1. #1

    Default New Home Contest

    As some of you are aware, my wife & I have been looking at houses to purchase like crazy the past few weeks. We saw 30 alone last week. And one really caught our eye, so we made an offer on Friday and it was accepted on Saturday. Yay!!!! So, to celebrate, I thought I would have a little contest.

    1 Both contests are open to members in good standing with 100 posts
    2 The first person to post the correct answer wins that contest
    3 The same person can win both contests
    4 Edits will be disqualified
    5 Each person is allowed one guess for Contest #1 and three guesses for Contest #2
    6 I reserve the right to change the rules, add hints, etc.

    Contest # 1 is over. Congratulations to victory01
    What is our scheduled closing date? Our offer was accepted on Saturday, August 29. One guess
    EDIT: If the exact scheduled date is not guessed, the closest date without going past will win.

    Contest # 2
    What zip code is our new house in? We purchased a home in Lancaster County, PA. This one will take a little research on your part. You are allowed 3 guesses.

    I will update this post with the guesses. Good luck!

    EDIT: If no one guesses Contest #2 correctly, I may allow extra guesses.

    Contest #1 - Congrats victory01
    Incorrect Guesses
    September 22nd - mail man
    September 27th - Roger
    September 29th - Eville
    September 30th - denver24
    October 3rd - TravPSu
    October 5th - mrtr33
    October 6th - bigwhiteash
    October 8th -ashauler
    October 15th - BDuranni
    October 16th - victory01 *WINNER*
    October 17th - Factored Reality
    November 2nd - badwhale
    November 5th - Rugbysh9

    Contest #2
    Incorrect Guesses
    00006 - ashauler
    17022 - ashauler
    17022 - Eville (duplicate)
    17022 - bigwhiteash (duplicate)
    17501 - badwhale
    17502 - bigwhiteash
    17502 - mail man (duplicate)
    17503 - bigwhiteash
    17505 - bigwhiteash
    17506 - FactoredReality
    17507 - BDurrani
    17509 - badwhale
    17512 - ashauler
    17516 - ashauler
    17517 - BDurrani
    17518 - mail man (I lived in this zip for 25 years)
    17519 - bigwhiteash
    17521 - bigwhiteash
    17522 - mail man
    17523 - Roger
    17527 - FactoredReality
    17528 - mrtr33
    17529 - BDurrani
    17533 - Roger
    17534 - bigwhiteash
    17535 - mail man
    17536 - badwhale
    17537 - mail man
    17538 - TravPSU
    17540 - badwhale
    17543 - mrtr33
    17544 - badwhale
    17545 - badwhale
    17547 - BDurrani
    17548 - badwhale
    17549 - mrtr33
    17551 - mail man
    17552 - FactoredReality
    17554 - badwhale *WINNER*
    17557 - mail man
    17560 - badwhale
    17562 - bigwhiteash
    17563 - bigwhiteash
    17565 - Roger
    17566 - mrtr33 (I've lived in this zip for 5 years)
    17566 - FactoredReality (duplicate)
    17567 - Roger
    17568 - Eville
    17569 - Eville
    17571 - Roger
    17572 - BDurrani
    17575 - Eville
    17576 - Roger
    17577 - BDurrani
    17578 - BDurrani
    17579 - badwhale
    17580 - Eville
    17581 - denver24
    17582 - BDurrani
    17583 - mrtr33
    17584 - denver24
    17585 - TravPSU
    17601 - TravPSU
    17602 - TravPSU
    17603 - denver24
    17604 - Roger
    17605 - denver24
    17606 - Roger
    17607 - BDurrani
    17608 - denver24
    17609 - victory01
    17610 - victory01
    17611 - TravPSU
    17613 - victory01
    17614 - Roger
    17699 - TravPSU
    17963 - badwhale
    19301 - mail man
    19310 - mail man
    19330 - Eville
    19334 - denver24
    19344 - mrtr33
    19362 - mrtr33
    19363 - mrtr33
    19365 - mrtr33
    19540 - ashauler
    19543 - ashauler
    Last edited by Irish79; 09-12-2009 at 04:47 PM. Reason: Added guesses through FR R3

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