Quote Originally Posted by ndv21 View Post
Dude, I was merely trying to issue a warning more than anything else. Also, make sure you read your own statements before posting. For example:

After saying that, you continue on and say:

It's not an issue of being hospitable or not more than the fact that you barged in DEMANDING to be treated a certain way when nobody here really knows you. For example, would you ever walk into a social event where you don't know anyone and start by saying:

If you came into my house with that attitude, I would beat the shit out of you for being a disrespectful retard and then drive my foot up your ass on the way out the door. You seriously disrespected a lot of people not only with your first post, but with your obnoxiously retarded response.

Have fun and enjoy some philly blunts as part of your hobby.

Personally, I don't see how it was disrespectful, but i'm not going to argue the point. Again, by pointing out spelling, you're telling me that it's not ok to make mistakes. I have a hard time believeing that you have also never made a grammatical mistake.

I don't believe I was demanding anything. I thought I as being polite about it. If you would notice, I said "please". I get the feeling that please is not said around here that often.

If we wanted to get technical, fine...yeah, I have no doubt that you would "beat the shit out of" me "for being a disrespectful retard and then drive my foot up your ass", but i'm pretty sure there would be a lagrer foot working it's way up your ass and it's called the law.

I still don't understand why everyone on here is so inhospitable towards people who are clearly looking for help getting a foothold in this hobby. Apparently i'm not worthy of your time.

If I were to enjoy some philly blunts, wouldn't it be in your hobby? Because I don't know anything about it so I can't really call it a hobby.

Well, thanks anyway, clearly this isn't the place to come for anyone who's looking to get into the hobby and doesn't really know where to start.