I think I'm about at my wits end sometimes. Short of holding a gun to my wife's head, I can't get her to cooperate. It is always inconvenient either financially or timewise to do it. Two of the tires are bald and I can't get her to let me replace them. One got a flat last fall. She's been driving on her spare (full size) tire for most of a year now. The car is well over 50K miles and every time I mention changing transmission fluid, belts, or radiator hoses I basically get ignored or put off. I can barely get the oil changed twice a year, and she won't take it in to get it done herself. There's a CVC joint in the rear going bad (AWD) and we just ignore that too. I don't get it. Does she really want to break down in the middle of town and pay big bucks for an emegency repair rather than let me take care of it? She says no, but her actions sure don't indicate it. It's my fault because I pick inconvenient times to do it. Lord knows my personal classwork schedule and when I have time shouldn't be a consideration. After I resorted to being a bit of a jerk about it, she has "tentatively" scheduled me to do it on the 8th, a full month out. I never had these kind of problems when I was single! This is nuts I tell ya!