Well, I've given a few of these a chance. They are an econo-smoke from CT distributed by CI, and were on promotion for about a buck a stick. I had high hopes because of the CT band, but for the price, I left a little room for disappointment.

I'm not going to go into a lot of detail about the smoke because there really isn't much to say. They simply taste like a cheap cigar. Anyone who's smoked a Roly has had this cigar and just not realized it. Not bad for a "buck a stick" yard 'gar, but nothing special either. I definitely wouldn't pay more than a buck for this cigar. If you're looking for a quality smoke, pass this one up. If you're looking for a yard 'gar, grill duty smoke, or something you can hand out to the general masses at the next poker night, this will do as well as the next.