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Thread: Cohiba Espledidos Authentic Cigars in Sealed Box

  1. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eville View Post
    In the last picture, you can clearly see that the 2 cigars on the left are not even close to the same length. No way in hell would that have made it past QC. Now, make like a tree and get the fuck out.
    C'mon brother, nibletapeworm is trying to be helpful now. The photo's are certainly swaying my opinion.

  2. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by webworm13 View Post
    Okay, since you have smoked for twenty years, what about the box and presentation shows they are fake? Enlighten me with your knowledge. I didn't get swindled by my cousin, as I didn't pay very much for these because I acquired them in the country of origin. Even if I had paid $200 for them myself and they were fake, it would still be a good deal for 25 cigars that came from Cuba. Check my IP all you want. I am who I say I am. Simply a person with family in Cuba who acquired these cigars and is trying to sell them on this forum for a reasonable price. If you don't want them, your loss will be somebody else's gain and you can keep smoking your inferior quality cigars. Fine by me.

    You do not get legitimate Cuban cigars at deal prices in Cuba...Do you have any clue how much a real Esplenditos costs? Nobody here is gonna purchase a fake Cuban cigar.

    Tell you what...Sacrifice one of the cigars. Take a razor blade and cut along the length of the wrapper. Unroll the tobacco and post a pic of the tobacco inside. Photograph the head of the cigar...Post a pic. Photograph the foot of the cigar...Post a pic.

    How did you legally get Cuban cigars into the country? Are you a diplomat? Was your trip to Cuba sanctioned by the US government? Travel there is pretty much forbidden. Show us the paperwork the government issued you to import these cigars. Did you know you committed a crime in Cuba by undermining their tax system? Did you know the Cuban government issues a receipt for cigars purchased on the island. Do you know you are committing a crime by importing illegal items from Cuba? We have a trade embargo on them. Do you know you are committing a crime by trying to sell contraband here? Did you know you possibly have put your cousin in legal trouble in Cuba by acquiring cigars that did not go through proper channels there?

    You are a fucktard...An ignorant one at that.

  3. #63


    Easy guys -- I'm gonna be hella-pissed if I don't get my free Fauxhiba.

  4. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by cigarsarge View Post
    How did you legally get Cuban cigars into the country? Are you a diplomat? Was your trip to Cuba sanctioned by the US government? Travel there is pretty much forbidden. Show us the paperwork the government issued you to import these cigars. Did you know you committed a crime in Cuba by undermining their tax system? Did you know the Cuban government issues a receipt for cigars purchased on the island. Do you know you are committing a crime by importing illegal items from Cuba? We have a trade embargo on them. Do you know you are committing a crime by trying to sell contraband here? Did you know you possibly have put your cousin in legal trouble in Cuba by acquiring cigars that did not go through proper channels there?

    You are a fucktard...An ignorant one at that.
    Wow that should take the pop out of your tent!

    "Do this...go to Google and type in "Dumbass that can't take a hint"...notice the picture of a big feller in his Moms kitchen with a can of Wannabe RockStar on his man boob...Hey, that's you!" TheGreekTitan

    May God grant us the wisdom to discover right, the will to

    choose it, and the strength

    to make it endure

  5. #65


    Having looked at the pictures, I am even more confident that these are in fact counterfeits -- but I will reserve my final judgment until the cigar has arrived.

    Take a look at this website -- in particular the "Additional Helpful Tips" towards the bottom.

    How many of those sound remarkably similar to what has been said/posted in this thread? I don't know you -- you may be the most honest and truthful person on the planet -- but I can't asses your veracity because I DON'T KNOW YOU. You clearly have your doubts about whether they are legit, so it shouldn't surprise you that we do as well.

    The more I look at what is on the linked page, the more I chuckle -- take special note of items 4, 7, 8, 9, and 10 under "Additional Helpful Tips" -- its like it was written in response to this thread...
    Last edited by EGQ; 12-28-2010 at 04:05 PM. Reason: Added reference to item 10 from linked page -- my bad

  6. #66
    webworm13 Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Eville View Post
    In the last picture, you can clearly see that the 2 cigars on the left are not even close to the same length. No way in hell would that have made it past QC. Now, make like a tree and get the fuck out.
    The only reason one of the cigars looked shorter is because it might have been up towards the top of the box when I took the pictures.

    Sorry, I cannot send anymore for free but if some of you guys lived nearby, I wouldn't mind sharing some of these and maybe smoking one with you all. It would be my first to smoke and maybe we could share our impressions.

    I will work on getting a picture of the bottom of the box posted.

  7. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by webworm13 View Post
    The only reason one of the cigars looked shorter is because it might have been up towards the top of the box when I took the pictures.

    Sorry, I cannot send anymore for free but if some of you guys lived nearby, I wouldn't mind sharing some of these and maybe smoking one with you all. It would be my first to smoke and maybe we could share our impressions.

    I will work on getting a picture of the bottom of the box posted.
    I live nearby.

    Quote Originally Posted by badwhale View Post
    Buzz is smoking our cigars. This probably is his triumphant scam.

  8. #68
    webworm13 Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by cigarsarge View Post
    You do not get legitimate Cuban cigars at deal prices in Cuba...Do you have any clue how much a real Esplenditos costs? Nobody here is gonna purchase a fake Cuban cigar.

    Tell you what...Sacrifice one of the cigars. Take a razor blade and cut along the length of the wrapper. Unroll the tobacco and post a pic of the tobacco inside. Photograph the head of the cigar...Post a pic. Photograph the foot of the cigar...Post a pic.

    How did you legally get Cuban cigars into the country? Are you a diplomat? Was your trip to Cuba sanctioned by the US government? Travel there is pretty much forbidden. Show us the paperwork the government issued you to import these cigars. Did you know you committed a crime in Cuba by undermining their tax system? Did you know the Cuban government issues a receipt for cigars purchased on the island. Do you know you are committing a crime by importing illegal items from Cuba? We have a trade embargo on them. Do you know you are committing a crime by trying to sell contraband here? Did you know you possibly have put your cousin in legal trouble in Cuba by acquiring cigars that did not go through proper channels there?

    You are a fucktard...An ignorant one at that.

    Thanks for a run down of the laws pertaining to Cuban cigars and Cuban travel. I have family there and can travel at will to visit them. Had you paid attention to my initial post, you maybe would have read the reason I went there in the first place. My father passed away, and I had to go spread his ashes, as that was his last request. Maybe you should read up a little more regarding the laws on travel to Cuba before you start advising others of the rules and regulations. I can't stand people who speak authoritatively on a subject they know nothing of. You would be surprised at how people get things in Cuba. Many of the counterfeit cigars are made by people who work in the factory who steal the leaves and tobacco and simply roll them at home. I don't know if these cigars are like that or not, but that is for all of you "experts" to decide. It certainly doesn't mean they are of inferior quality. No crime has been committed here my friend so don't get all legal eagle on me.

    I WILL NOT sacrifice another cigar, as I am already sending one to EGQ to sample. Furthermore, with all of the bad attitudes on this forum, I am not inclined to cut open a cigar. Had the reception been different from the start, I might have. However, I am appalled and surprised at some of the language and attitudes by some taken on this thread. Seriously, I thought cigar smokers would have more class than this.

    Really, I have a good mind to cancel everything on this forum if you are going to get into all the legalese of Cuban cigars. I am already getting ripped off as is obvious by only selling them for $200. I have been advised by people outside this forum that I can get much more. I thought people like yourself wouldn't be so uptight about the laws governing cigars and just wanted to enjoy some of the best cigars in the world from the greatest cigar producing country, but if you are going to start listing all of the laws, than we can all forget about Cohiba's. That is, all except EGQ, who got lucky and will be able to enjoy one for free. Obviously, your passion is not cigars, but international law.

    I don't feel the need to discuss who I am, if I am a diplomat, etc... as all that information is extraneous to the discussion of the item at hand. So, if you want to perform an investigation, go to a criminal justice discussion forum.

    No, I don't know how much genuine Esplendidos sell for. How much? You may convince me to raise my price on the next person I find that is interested.

    Also, taxes were paid on these cigars and everything was done legally. I think I had said this previously.

    Here is a link of the photo of the bottom of the box.
    Last edited by webworm13; 12-28-2010 at 04:49 PM. Reason: Additional Information

  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by webworm13 View Post
    I am not trying to sell any items of questionable quality. The cigars are in a sealed box as you can see from the picture.
    Just because the cigars are in a "sealed box" does not mean they are not of questionable quality. Bad argument, sparky...

    Quote Originally Posted by webworm13 View Post
    All because the cigars were obtained through what you call a "shady backroom deal" doesn't mean they are of questionable quality. Most cigars as well as other goods in Cuba are obtained by friends or family members or someone who knows someone else so unless you have traveled there before and bought cigars, I am going to ask you not speak of what you know nothing of.
    Just because you think I know nothing of what I speak - does not mean that I know nothing of what I speak.

    Having been around the block a few times, I can tell you that "Most cigars as well as other goods in Cuba are obtained by friends or family members or someone who knows someone else" equates to counterfeit cigars.

    I suppose one could make the argument that they the cigars you possess are "Cuban" - they could be. But what you have in your possession are as much real Cohiba's as the Rolex watches sold on the streets of Kingston, Jamaica.

    Quote Originally Posted by webworm13 View Post
    It is just as likely that the cigars are authentic as they are counterfeit and sometimes you have to take people's word for it.
    And those Cohiba's you possess are as likely authentic as the gold jewelry they sell "on the word" of the street vendors in downtown Chicago.

    Quote Originally Posted by webworm13 View Post
    All I can attest to is that the cigars came from my cousin in Cuba and her husband brought two sealed boxes to give me before my departure. Now whether they bought these at some place that sells counterfeit cigars in a backroom, I do not know for sure, but he is my family member, and I am going to assume they are real as they have a seal with a guarantee. I trust my cousin and if you don't trust the story, than simply don't buy or make an offer.
    So you cannot attest to the fact that the cigars are authentic - other than to say that you "assume" your relative would not sell you anything other than what is real. You know what they say about "ASS-U-ME", don't you???

    Quote Originally Posted by webworm13 View Post
    Even if they were counterfeit, I am asking a reasonable price. If I were asking $500.00 and trying to sell these as if I were a cigar establishment dedicated to selling Cuban Cigars, I would understand all of the skepticism and negativity. Because there may be doubts that these are real or not, that is why I am asking only $200 shipped to CONUS.
    ...and you'd be better off peddling your fake cigars on Craig's list.

    We're just sayin'...

  10. #70
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    Nice use of smileys George!

    Quote Originally Posted by badwhale View Post
    Buzz is smoking our cigars. This probably is his triumphant scam.

  11. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by webworm13 View Post
    I bet many couldn't even tell the difference between a real and a fake anyways. I sure couldn't but then again, I am not a cigar smoker.
    Does your ignorance have no bounds? Seriously, tapeworm - I wouldn't take that bet if I were you.

  12. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by webworm13 View Post
    Also, taxes were paid on these cigars and everything was done legally. I think I had said this previously.

    Here is a link of the photo of the bottom of the box.
    Prove it. Show me where a legal method of bringing Cuban cigars into the United States is described on any Official United States Government (State Department, OFAC, CBP) web site.

  13. #73


    I've grown bored with this thread...

    I think you are wrong about the legalities, but hey, you must be part Cuban, so you should know. Also, since you're part Cuban, you must know that Esplendidos manufactured at home from pilfered tobacco smuggled out of a factory God only knows how (what the fuck did I just agree to test?) are of the same quality as those manufactured at the factory and sold legitimately. Do you really not see the flaws in your statements or the problem with trying to sell these cigars as authentic Esplendidos?

  14. Default

    Please calm down niblett...Don't pull your sale due to my ignorance. By the way...The corresponding authorities have taken notice of your sale.

  15. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by webworm13 View Post
    I can't stand people who speak authoritatively on a subject they know nothing of. You would be surprised at how people get things in Cuba. Many of the counterfeit cigars are made by people who work in the factory who steal the leaves and tobacco and simply roll them at home. I don't know if these cigars are like that or not, but that is for all of you "experts" to decide. It certainly doesn't mean they are of inferior quality. No crime has been committed here my friend so don't get all legal eagle on me.

    "Many of the counterfeit cigars are made by people who work in the factory who steal the leaves and tobacco and simply roll them at home."

    ...and band them with a fake "Cohiba" band to make them attractive to others that would not otherwise buy them.

    "It certainly doesn't mean they are of inferior quality."

    ...and you accuse this community of being ignorant...

  16. #76
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    Please don't yank the sale Ms. Otero. And buzz wasn't kidding, he is kinda close to you.

  17. #77
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    Becky (aka tapeworm) - would you please throw in a hair cut if I buy some of those cigars?

  18. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by webworm13 View Post
    Maybe you should read up a little more regarding the laws on travel to Cuba before you start advising others of the rules and regulations. I can't stand people who speak authoritatively on a subject they know nothing of. You would be surprised at how people get things in Cuba. Many of the counterfeit cigars are made by people who work in the factory who steal the leaves and tobacco and simply roll them at home. I don't know if these cigars are like that or not, but that is for all of you "experts" to decide. It certainly doesn't mean they are of inferior quality. No crime has been committed here my friend so don't get all legal eagle on me.

    Everything written here is interesting...You say people steal cigar leaves and roll em at home. But you say nothing has been illegal in this transaction. Please take notice that Cuban Americans can bring back Cuban cigars if the domestic value is less than $100. You are also prohibited from selling them. They must be for personal use. Your travel license to Cuba can be revoked and criminal proceedings can be undertaken for your sale. You obviously don't give a crap about ever visiting your family there again...You are apparently a low life.

    I don't understand why it is not up to us to decide if the cigars are fake or not...You are trying to sell them to us. Nobody wants to buy fake Cuban cigars on this board.

    Please niblett...Think before you post.

  19. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by ggiese View Post
    Becky (aka tapeworm) - would you please throw in a hair cut if I buy some of those cigars?
    Bet if Ms. Becky unraveled one of em you'd find a cunt hair...Rolled on the thighs of virgins and all.

  20. Default

    You fellas know you're arguing with a bowling ball, right?

    Do draft dodgers have reunions? And if so what do they talk about?

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