Quote Originally Posted by badwhale View Post
A long time ago, in a galaxy far away, I was a Boy Scout. We tried rolling up plain old oak leaves by the fire, and trying to smoke them. I also remember distinctly trying to roll - roll your own tobacco in plain paper and trying to smoke it.

Ah, those days are long past.

Back when I was like 10 while out at the lake, my brother talked me into smoking a piece of dried up reed (you know, the tall green water plants that are about finger size in diameter and grow several feet taller than the water level - usually along the shore). I wouldn't do it unless he did, so we found a dried one laying up on the shore and made ourselves cigarettes out of them and lit up.

I also remember running out of papers once upon a time and rolling a cigarette with newspaper. It was harsh as hell, but when you're an addict, you do what you have to.....