Quote Originally Posted by webmost View Post

I dunno. I don't understand the vitriol and animosity.
I can see someone making an "intelligent" argument that machine made cigars "smoke" just like a premium made hand made cigar. However, there can be no intelligent argument that the experience is the same...
I have to believe you're not so ignorant to believe that your BMW R1200CLC and Kawasaki KLR650 are both the same motorcycle (after all - one could argue they are both two wheeled motorized conveyances). I also have to believe you're not so ignorant to believe either of those motorcycles are "machine made" (as "Johnny Sopweedseed" suggests).

I'm not sure my comment was written with "vitriol" or "animosity", but it does hit the point of why you're getting flak from this community about your statement. Did you really expect to make a sweeping generalization that smoking a machine made cigar is exactly the same as smoking a hand rolled cigar and not engage in a discussion about your views? Or that folks are foolish for smoking "fancy band" premium cigars over a machine made American made cigar? Is it your thought that if you make such an incredible claim - you'd be greeted with open arms, cake and ice cream? Dude - seriuosly - you seem old enough to understand that it screams of absolute ignornace...

Hey - I've made some wild claims in the past and taken flak for it. I could have either slithered away - or take the beating I deserved and moved on. If you're willing to make a bold stand - just be prepared to defend yourself AND be willing to listen to criticism. You might just learn something through the process...