Quote Originally Posted by dalepearomedia View Post
You are so deluded and just because you don't have 10000 GBP you come on here chatting shit about having it. Listen you absolute fag shut your trap and remove yourself from my thread. Don't lie you scum bag you never called nor emailed. you are thick as shit if you did because none of your emails came through. now listen you old cunt i'm 19 and just got 10000 GBP while at 19 you were sucking dick for a living. go smoke yourself to death (which i hope is soon)

and "no one would pay 10000 GBP for a humidor" You do not know shit there are only 7 of these humidors in the whole world and they took 1 year to be produced and are no longer getting made! so listen your the dumb ass here.. I'm sitting on multiple antiques and your sitting on a forum speaking verbal shit... Grow up or Be Beat Up

In Conclusion.

I got more money than you, i got more items than you, i'm younger than you, you can't afford what i have, i've got a better car than you, got a better house than you, got a better job than you, you'll be dead soon, you are a no lifer who wastes peoples time,

I'm "WINNING" your losing so go to your local Grow store and get yourself a grow bag, go inside it and come back out when you grow up


In every outcome you are the loser
Gotta save this one ,fucktard melt of the year