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Thread: Doomsday Preppers

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  1. Default Doomsday Preppers

    On NatGeo,man I watched a little bit of it . Ther are some odd people living in the world today. If the end is coming then it comes,And if these are who will survive and take over then I am glad I wont be around. I think somebody watched the 3 Mad Max movies too many times
    The older I get ,the better I was

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    Quote Originally Posted by kevin7 View Post
    On NatGeo,man I watched a little bit of it . Ther are some odd people living in the world today. If the end is coming then it comes,And if these are who will survive and take over then I am glad I wont be around. I think somebody watched the 3 Mad Max movies too many times
    The powers that be might take it all away
    Together we burn, together we burn away

    Uncle Tupelo

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    Quote Originally Posted by kevin7 View Post
    On NatGeo,man I watched a little bit of it . Ther are some odd people living in the world today. If the end is coming then it comes,And if these are who will survive and take over then I am glad I wont be around. I think somebody watched the 3 Mad Max movies too many times
    Funny you should mention this. I just had a discussion with someone the other day who's a little bit.........suggestible. They were all excited because the world was going to end this coming December because "The Mayan Calendar said so"

    After I stopped laughing I pointed out that the doomsayers said the world was going to end on Jan 1/2000 and then when it didn't they said, "Oops, we miscounted, it's actually going to end in 2001" When it didn't they claimed it was another mathematics mistake and it was really going to end in 2007. I look around me and it appears to me the world is still here. Of course, I'm a solipsist so you all only exist in my imagination anyhow and the world will end when I draw my last breath.......LOL (yes I'm joking in case you're not sure.........sarcasm doesn't come across so well on the

    I recall a conversation with my grandpa some years back where he mentioned the doomsayers we painting "The worlds going to end" on the sides of barns way back in the 30's. I believe he mentioned the Jehovah Witnesses in conjunction with that.

    All I know is the world is full of whacko nutjobs who seem to only able to "live" if the world is going to end. Some of them start cults that believe aliens are going to swoop them off into the sky just seconds before Armageddon. Others hand out poison kool-aid. For the most part, I don't care much what idiots like this do......and that includes killing themselves off. Doing so is doing the rest of us a favor I think by helping keep the gene pool a little cleaner. However, there are always innocent victims. Which is to say, the children of the weak minded asshats who take that glass of kool-aid and drink it down. Typically not until they've given said kool-aid to their children.

    The world will end. I doubt I'll be around to see it because I'm quit confident our sun won't burn out for many, many centuries to come. But when it does go supernova, it's goodbye earth. Hopefully by then we'll have expanded into the stars and mankind as we know it won't just disappear. Is it going to end December of 2012. I'm so confident it won't that I'm willing to bet anybody who thinks it is going to any amount of money. Oddly enough, nobody who I've spoken with that feels it's going to happen is willing to draw up any legal contracts with me that include them giving me a buttload of money on Jan 01/13...............imagine that!

    My take on the whole Mayan calendar thing. The two guys stuck chiselling it out on rock 600 years ago looked at each other and said, "Ahh, that's enough for me, I won't be around then so in 550 years someone else can continue it. Let's go for a beer and a cigar"
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    I find it odd that so much effort is spent focused on our destruction, and not on important things, like fashion.

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    Quote Originally Posted by mrtr33 View Post
    i find it odd that so much effort is spent focused on our destruction, and not on important things, like fashion.
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    Default I the only one who thought the title was Doomsday Peppers????
    Yay! Cigars!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mizicke5273 View Post I the only one who thought the title was Doomsday Peppers????
    Actually, I did at first. I thought "What, they made something hotter than the ghost pepper?...why didn't Kevin put this in the "Food" forum...oh. oh oh ..wait"

    The powers that be might take it all away
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    Quote Originally Posted by CptnBlues63 View Post
    My take on the whole Mayan calendar thing. The two guys stuck chiselling it out on rock 600 years ago looked at each other and said, "Ahh, that's enough for me, I won't be around then so in 550 years someone else can continue it. Let's go for a beer and a cigar"
    I thought 2012 just signaled the end of their calendar year and the beginning of a new year. Or, at least that is what I have heard and it sounds far more logical than they are able to predict the end of the world. But if it happens, it happens. Remember, we already made it through the end of the world twice in 2011.
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    Hell, I've been doomsday prepping all my life. It's called growing up on a farm. Doomsday for some is when the microwave quits working.

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    When the world ends.... the world ends. Why drive yourself crazy by trying to figure out the end anyway? I for one would not want to know. What possible benefit would there be in knowing when it is gonna come anyway. If it was a known certainty when it was going to occur, I don't think I would want to be around personally. I am sure it would be absolute chaos! I think people would drive themselves nuts all their lives obsessing about it (and of course some already to that). Just my two and three quarter cents on the subject. The end??? Bring it on!
    Just another day at the office!

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    The hell with doomsday prepping get ready for the Zombie Apocalypse
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    Doomsday is closer than you think.

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    Quote Originally Posted by craig View Post
    Doomsday is closer than you think.
    eminent beetle outbreak?
    The powers that be might take it all away
    Together we burn, together we burn away

    Uncle Tupelo

  14. Default

    I do have a couple months of MRE and water stored. I live on the New Madrid fault line. I went to several federal mandated FEMA classes...About 120 hours worth. It made me realize if and when the quake occurs lots of folks are SOL. As far as the world ending...When time is up it is up. Ain't shit you can do.

    I am worried about the zombie thing...I worked a domestic last night. I met two in person.

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    Quote Originally Posted by badwhale View Post
    eminent beetle outbreak?
    Peter Venkman: Well, you can believe Mr. Pecker...
    Walter Peck: My name is "Peck."
    Peter Venkman: Or you can accept the fact that this city is headed for a disaster of biblical proportions.
    Mayor: What do you mean, "biblical"?
    Ray Stantz: What he means is Old Testament, Mr. Mayor, real wrath-of-God type stuff!
    Peter Venkman: Exactly.
    Ray Stanz: Fire and brimstone coming down from the sky! Rivers and seas boiling!
    Egon Spengler: Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes!
    Winston Zeddmore: The dead rising from the grave!
    Peter Venkman: Human sacrifice! Dogs and cats, living together! Mass hysteria!
    Mayor: Enough! I get the point! And what if you're wrong?
    Peter Venkman: If we're wrong, then nothing happens. We go to jail, peacefully, quietly. We'll enjoy it. But if we're right, and we can stop this thing... Lenny, you will have saved the lives of millions of registered voters.
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    It seems to me like the people trying to survive a doomsday event are saying to hell with that fast painless stuff, bring me the incredibly slow painful end please.

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