Hi all,

I've had this humidor for about a month now.

I had it seasoned, it was holding ~68% RH for awhile. I noticed the humidifier puck it came with seemed dry every time I checked it, so I felt like I was always adding fluid. I have about 50 sticks in there and I thought I'd give the Boveda system a try.

I bought a 12-pack of 72% Boveda packets and started out with 3 packets in the humidor.

I'm now up to 7 packets and my RH is only 62%....

Granted I'm sure it's dry in my house, but does the seal on my humidor suck that bad? I mean what could I be doing wrong? Take the packet out of the plastic wrapper and plop it down in the humidifier, right?

Please help! Should I buy some aquarium sealant (I heard it doesn't give off gasses that regular silicone sealant does so it's safe for cigars?) and go to town inside my humidor? Should I get some sort of really thin seal to line the humidor's door with?