Quote Originally Posted by CoventryCat86
Tyler, you and many others are not officially "banned" like I am. They have my ISP blocked so I can't see the site or log in which is a joke because there are ways around that to view the site. If you look at the members list, I am identified as "banned" but the rest of you guys are not. There are different levels of being shut out over there.

Kinda too bad about some of you guys dealings with Sean. Many times he's demonstrated some great wit in some of his posts and he is very knowledgable about cigars. I also sense that he's got a pretty good sense for asshats like puromooch BUT he has to uphold the rules set forth by the site owner pds who has a lot to learn about running a cigar board properly.

My problem is with the site admin pds and the biggest asshat of them all radar who banned me. radar barely even participates on the board anymore since he's so "busy" being a scumbag, lying salesman so he just makes knee jerk decisions and bans people without getting the full story.
Correct, that software has many types of locks against it's members. When you ban someone outright, they no longer appear on the member list and are therefore not counted when trying to sell advertising. There's a function called Miserable User which will not ban you, but you'll never get in and you'll never be able to post. There's another cigar site run by a scumbag that does this.

BTW, I find it hard to believe that somewhere out on the internet there's a cigar site that hasn't found out what PB is all about. What a bunch of bright bulbs.