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Thread: Humidity Question

  1. #1

    Default Humidity Question

    I live in Arizona, so the climate here is extremely dry. The guy at my cigar shop says that due to this it's hard to keep a decent humidity level in my humidor, and that getting the 63% that I am currently getting is good. Surely there must be a way to get the level up? Does anyone have any suggestions? I already store the humidor under my bed, since it's the coolest place in my house, and have been making sure that it never gets direct sunlight. Other than this I really don't kow what else to do. Temps where I live average about 90 degrees and sometimes go as high as 115, fortunately we are getting close to 'winter' (I moved here from Minnesota, so it's not really winter to me) and the temperatures will be mostly between 80-90 until march or so...

  2. #2


    Just keep your humidifier wet and it should level off.

    You dont have air conditioning?

  3. #3


    Yeah, I have AC, but that doesn't make it any more humid. Also if I let my AC run all day my electric bill will be upwards of 125$ a month! So I usually turn it off during the day when I'm at work...
    Last edited by OMEGA5; 09-20-2005 at 02:06 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Lisbon, Ohio, 44432


    Somebody once suggested to me to buy a wine cooler/fridge. It lets you control the temperature you would want. And depending on the size, you can fit your humi in there.

  5. #5


    Stabilization is key, your cigars dont want to be changing temps much. May want to look into a coolidor, would help keep the tempature consistant.

  6. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by OMEGA5
    Yeah, I have AC, but that doesn't make it any more humid...
    True dat.

    Dude, you have a need for the bead.
    Supreme Leader Voltron
    bending over and reaching for the Crisco

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