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Thread: Need some advice please!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    In my house (knock on wood!)

    Default Need some advice please!

    Greetings folks!

    A newbie here on this board but not new to cigars.

    I have a bit of a problem that I am hoping some of you can relate to and give me some insight.

    I will try to put this as simply as possible.

    I have been smoking cigars for about seven years. Over the past few years I am going through these phases where ANY cigar I smoke tastes flat and boring, sometimes even a bit harsh. This goes on for MONTHS only to finally stop then everything seems OK and all taste fine. It then repeats again a few months later. As I say this has been happening to me for the past few years.

    Before you offer any insight, here are a few facts:

    1. I am absolutely POSITIVE it is not a storage issue.

    2. I can go to ANY cigar shop, buy ANY cigar and it tastes like crap.

    3. There doesn't seem to be any seasonal relation. Last winter anything I smoked tasted great. This winter so far all cigars taste flat and boring.

    4. I smoke one cigar a day.

    5. Most cigars I smoke are large - Toro to Churchill.

    6. Mostly full bodied stuff. Fuente Sungrown stuff is a favorite

    7. I have no other problems with taste or smell perceptions.


    Have I burned out my palette? Am I smoking too much? Is it a dietary thing? Too much dairy? Too much citrus? or some other food?

    Am I losing my mind?

    In all sincerity I would appreciate any input. I am getting to my wits end. Not being able to enjoy my only evil as I once did is very frustrating.

    Thanks - Mark

  2. #2


    Wow! Never experienced this before and hope I never do. My guess is that it is dietary, most likely related to your hydration. Have you had periods of heavy drinking (heavier than usual)?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    In my house (knock on wood!)

    Default Hmmmmmmm......

    Thanks CockyHoskins

    It's worth a try.

    Here comes super-saturated MMAB.

    Thanks again


    P.S. I dig the animated gif man! It's c-o-o-o-o-l !

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