Here's fpdoc's last post before he was banned. The level of his ignorance, arrogance and inability to grasp reality along with his insistence on spewing outright lies is like nothing I have ever witnessed in my life.

Quote Originally Posted by fpdoc77
Well the poll is closed...and unless you can get my post and the post of a soldier of our great nation nullified you dont even have a leg to stand on. You can continue with your snide remarks to all of my can continue to feel safe with your 2000k posts...but I assure you many senior members are fed up with your nonsense. I will never reveal their PMs but Im sure you will soon see them step up to buck you. You are a bully nothing more. I am logging each and every one of your board rule infractions. You have broken board rules on nearly 20+ occasions (just with me) of which dealt with my sexuality. This is a no no. Keep it up...ill just keep documenting and when the time is right...when other seniors are willing to vote you just might find yourself on the launching pad. Sleep well.
MANY members here raised the issue of his poor behavior with him and all he ever did was respond with smugness, arrogance, ignorance and lies. This was pretty much his pattern since the first few days he started here which was just a little over two weeks ago. He makes Scotty look like a saint and abanneda look like a girl scout.

Here's to you and your complete meltdown fpdoc: