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Thread: Is Online Age Verification a Good Thing for the Industry?

  1. #21
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    Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shel
    I'd like to know what system you're using; the system I know is imbedded in a Shopping Cart and works automatically. And provides a confirmation number for each transaction and has a 1 million dollar liability bond. Are you using anything like that?

    And I'll ask you AGAIN:
    I would like to know if the governmental agencies who are coming down on say, tobacco or liquor retailers give two shits if they used this BS systen you're selling.
    Please give an answer, not a sales pitch.
    TBSCigars - "On Holiday"
    Grammar - It's the difference between knowing your crap and knowing you're crap.

  2. #22


    Also, you should realize that, to the best of my knowledge anyway, there is only one of us with this type of concern. But I will withhold his name for obvious reasons.

  3. #23


    Quote Originally Posted by croatan
    Typically, minors can contract; however, most of those contracts (unless they're for necessities) are voidable by the minor. That's why most places won't issue credit cards to them. Until Shel gives us some specifics on how exactly this thing works, I don't see how it can work any better than assuming that credit/debit card = 18 years old.
    Well I'm no expert but as I mentioned it is imbedded in a Shopping Cart and works automatically. And provides a confirmation number for each transaction and has a 1 million dollar liability bond per transaction, I guess by retaining the confirmation number you’re protected.

  4. #24


    Quote Originally Posted by Shel
    Well I'm no expert but as I mentioned it is imbedded in a Shopping Cart and works automatically. And provides a confirmation number for each transaction and has a 1 million dollar liability bond per transaction, I guess by retaining the confirmation number you’re protected.
    But what is embedded in the shopping cart? How does it know you are at least 18? Do you pay a company to say that you're 18? How does that prevent minors from using their parents' computers to order? If they've got access to a credit card, don't you think they can get access to a computer on which a cookie is stored telling the online merchant that the purchaser is at least 18?

  5. #25


    Quote Originally Posted by nhcigarfan
    Also, you should realize that, to the best of my knowledge anyway, there is only one of us with this type of concern. But I will withhold his name for obvious reasons.
    Thanks for not mentioning my name , hey I'm learning from you guys.
    Last edited by Shel; 12-27-2005 at 04:33 PM.

  6. #26


    Quote Originally Posted by Shel
    Thanks for not mentioning my name , hey I'm learning from you guys.

    Still some to learn.. I wasn't talking about you.

  7. #27


    Quote Originally Posted by croatan
    But what is embedded in the shopping cart? How does it know you are at least 18? Do you pay a company to say that you're 18? How does that prevent minors from using their parents' computers to order? If they've got access to a credit card, don't you think they can get access to a computer on which a cookie is stored telling the online merchant that the purchaser is at least 18?
    It doesn’t work off cookies or care what computer you use it verifies each transaction base on the information inputted and I assume if you’re 18 or over your on file and can be verified.

  8. #28


    Quote Originally Posted by nhcigarfan
    Still some to learn.. I wasn't talking about you.
    That's why I'm a Junior Member, I thought you were just kidding.

  9. Default

    Here are a few tips:

    We know you're trying to peddle this system
    We get about 4 slimeballs per week trying to pull the "I found a great place to get cubans online and thought I'd share" game.

    We're a smaht bunch of guys
    I'm a programmer, several of the guys are lawyers, CC is a mob enforcer or something. Explain how the system works and you might get some interest. Double-talk just ain't gonna work.

  10. #30
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    This piece of shit STILL won't answer my question.

    I would like to know if the governmental agencies who are coming down on say, tobacco or liquor retailers give two shits if they used this system you're selling.

    I'll leave out the "BS" part so it doesn't look so offensive. I musta hurt his feelings...
    TBSCigars - "On Holiday"
    Grammar - It's the difference between knowing your crap and knowing you're crap.

  11. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by SuperChuck
    We're a smaht bunch of guys
    That's NOT a typo or a spelling error. Everyone talks like that in Rhode Island and eastern Massachusetts.
    TBSCigars - "On Holiday"
    Grammar - It's the difference between knowing your crap and knowing you're crap.

  12. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shel
    It doesn’t work off cookies or care what computer you use it verifies each transaction base on the information inputted and I assume if you’re 18 or over your on file and can be verified.
    However, on the other hand, THIS has quite a few spelling and gramatical errors.

    First off, you forgot to put a period after "you use" and "it" These are two different sentences.

    It's "based" not "base."

    It's "you're" not "your." What makes this error pathetic was you had it right the first time when you said "you're 18" but then screwed the pooch with the "over your."

    BTW, you really need a comma between "over" and "your(sic)."

    Hard for me to take a salesman seriously when he can't speak or write.
    TBSCigars - "On Holiday"
    Grammar - It's the difference between knowing your crap and knowing you're crap.

  13. #33
    Join Date
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    CC come to chat man, or clean out your pm box.

    Sorry for the interuption.


  14. #34
    Iced T Guest


    I'm 20 and routinely visit my local smoke shop, but almost all the online retailers I have visited say that you have to be 21 to do anything. This includes some brand websites that prohibit anyone under 21 from visiting (not that it really stops me). I guess they're just trying to protect themselves, but like casinos I can't go into because I'm under 21 (even though gambling is legal at 18), it annoys me. I've only got about 3 more months, and I don't drink at all.

  15. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by CoventryCat86
    That's NOT a typo or a spelling error. Everyone talks like that in Rhode Island and eastern Massachusetts.
    Sad thing is, I actually did that subconsciously...

    I had to translate for Shel, whose company is based out of East Providence (pronounced: Rum-fid).

  16. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by SuperChuck
    Sad thing is, I actually did that subconsciously...

    I had to translate for Shel, whose company is based out of East Providence (pronounced: Rum-fid).

    LMAO!! Odds are he didn't even think twice about it!!
    TBSCigars - "On Holiday"
    Grammar - It's the difference between knowing your crap and knowing you're crap.

  17. #37


    Quote Originally Posted by Iced T
    I'm 20 and routinely visit my local smoke shop, but almost all the online retailers I have visited say that you have to be 21 to do anything. This includes some brand websites that prohibit anyone under 21 from visiting (not that it really stops me). I guess they're just trying to protect themselves, but like casinos I can't go into because I'm under 21 (even though gambling is legal at 18), it annoys me. I've only got about 3 more months, and I don't drink at all.
    Actually, the reason for this is that they sell alcohol to players, and are classified as bars.
    "I reject your reality and substitute my own."

    Pomegranates: 0
    Funky Chickens: 2

  18. #38


    Quote Originally Posted by CoventryCat86
    However, on the other hand, THIS has quite a few spelling and gramatical errors.

    First off, you forgot to put a period after "you use" and "it" These are two different sentences.

    It's "based" not "base."

    It's "you're" not "your." What makes this error pathetic was you had it right the first time when you said "you're 18" but then screwed the pooch with the "over your."

    BTW, you really need a comma between "over" and "your(sic)."

    Hard for me to take a salesman seriously when he can't speak or write.

    I’m not fishing for contact info or leads; my company has the means to target any audience. I was only trying to gauge the response if they did and hear what you guys had to say. I am an occasional cigar smoker but wouldn’t attempt to converse on you guys level.

    My original question was; (Is Online Age Verification a Good Thing for the Industry?) I believe yes, and here’s why; the credit card companies are refusing new merchant accounts for online sales of age restricted products unless the merchant has and/or uses an online age verification system and retains each transaction age verification confirmation. There is no such thing as being (grandfathered), the CC companies are saying anyone who is selling or taking orders via the Internet no matter if they are (keying In), Swiping or using a Shopping Cart will be required to use the government-issued ID database to be in compliance with age verification laws and guidelines.

    A company with the initials RJ is using the same system to verify age before they will send product information or coupons.

    Does this mean merchants that are selling these products will loose their merchant account tomorrow or in the next 12 months, no one knows.

    How much work is it to manual check IDs, have the customer send in a copy of their DL or rely on a shipper to get an adults signature. Would it not be easier to have an online Shopping Cart that check automatically so you can get on with the business of supplying a quality product knowing you’re in compliance and bonded up to one million dollars per transaction for only .50 cent?

    From reading the postings most of you are not vendor or resellers but if under age children are buying these products shouldn’t you as consumers want an age verification system be used? This is only a topic of discussion, please don't be mad at me for expressing my views.
    Last edited by Shel; 12-28-2005 at 04:16 PM.

  19. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Shel
    Would it not be easier to have an online Shopping Cart that check automatically so you can get on with the business of supplying a quality product knowing you’re in compliance and bonded up to one million dollars per transaction for only .50 cent?
    If you want to gather information for your company, I suggest you LISTEN.

    How does your system WORK? What is this AUTOMATIC?

  20. #40
    Join Date
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    Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shel
    I’m not fishing for contact info or leads; my company has the means to target any audience. I was only trying to gauge the response if they did and hear what you guys had to say. I am an occasional cigar smoker but wouldn’t attempt to converse on you guys level.

    My original question was; (Is Online Age Verification a Good Thing for the Industry?) I believe yes, and here’s why; the credit card companies are refusing new merchant accounts for online sales of age restricted products unless the merchant has and/or uses an online age verification system and retains each transaction age verification confirmation. There is no such thing as being (grandfathered), the CC companies are saying anyone who is selling or taking orders via the Internet no matter if they are (keying In), Swiping or using a Shopping Cart will be required to use the government-issued ID database to be in compliance with age verification laws and guidelines.

    A company with the initials RJ is using the same system to verify age before they will send product information or coupons.

    Does this mean merchants that are selling these products will loose their merchant account tomorrow or in the next 12 months, no one knows.

    How much work is it to manual check IDs, have the customer send in a copy of their DL or rely on a shipper to get an adults signature. Would it not be easier to have an online Shopping Cart that check automatically so you can get on with the business of supplying a quality product knowing you’re in compliance and bonded up to one million dollars per transaction for only .50 cent?

    From reading the postings most of you are not vendor or resellers but if under age children are buying these products shouldn’t you as consumers want an age verification system be used? This is only a topic of discussion, please don't be mad at me for expressing my views.
    This guy is simply amazing

    CLICK HERE and see if you see any similarities between his post here and his post on ClubStogie.


    So how about you just piss off and stop bothering us. As you admitted here and on ClubStogie, you have little or no interest in cigars so how 'bout you just stop wasting your time and ours?

    I am sick and tired of heaing your sales pitches and continued bullshit posts.
    TBSCigars - "On Holiday"
    Grammar - It's the difference between knowing your crap and knowing you're crap.

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