I am very fond of CM review methodology of giving seperate scores for Appearance; Taste and Construction. After all we look for all 3 characteristics in a good cigar.

On to review: Belmore by Camino Viejo

Appearance: 85 --- The wrapper looks somewhat a mix between Candella and Natural, wishing for a little more brown in the color. It is at the same time very smoth and oily just enough to be right.

Taste: 89 --- Simple spiciness. Not to much in terms of different flavors, but a very steady spicy flavor from beginning till the end. Strength wise mild to medium with stregth picking up after the first 1/3. Smell is pleasant but not too lasting.

Construction: 97 --- This category is the best for this cigar. Perfect burn, no need to touch up, self correcting slow burn. Ash is tight and pleasantly white. How I wish all cigars would share such great construction.

For those into mild spicy cigars a great one to try