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Thread: cellophane ??

  1. Question cellophane ??

    Hi everyone,

    I have a storage question on cellophane wraps. I haven't stored to many pressed cigars, but just put a box of Punch Corojo thats pressed in the humidor without cellophane cuz I like'em naked... but I got to thinking about them and if they might lose their shape after time. any probs with this??

    Thanks for any input.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    San Bernardino, CA


    As long as your humidity is fine I doubt they would ever change shape in your humi. Some other BOTL's might have different opinions on that though.
    2 Funky Chickens!
    2.5 Pomegranates

  3. #3


    Empire23 got it right. They won't lose their pretty box pressed shape.

  4. Default

    Keep em for a few years and they will relax. Actually it does a lot of cigars that are extreme box pressed to relax a little. It will help the Punch rare Corojo you speak of (nice smokes)

    People think of box press as being very square but this is actually called Trunk Pressed. Box Pressed is like looking at a box of Cubans ,slightly squared by the box ,not a press
    The older I get ,the better I was

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by weekendsmoker
    Hi everyone,

    pressed in the humidor without cellophane
    Thanks for any input.
    I don't see any harm in taking off the cello as long as you don't mean there are so many in there that they are pressed in the humidor? I don't think that is what you meant did you?

  6. Default

    Thanks for the input. as far as being pressed in the humi i have them tight in one coner and am about 95 % full. I should be able to get at least 12 more of something in... if they are 42-44 ring I'll peruse
    the local smoke house before this weekend.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    San Bernardino, CA


    If you have a trunk press in a humi for a few years, even in the cello, it will still relax a bit right? Having the cellophane on there shouldnt matter will it?
    2 Funky Chickens!
    2.5 Pomegranates

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