I love trivia and thought some of you might like it as well. So, as promised.....


There are 14 questions. Some are multiple part--you must answer both parts correctly for credit.
You can guess as many times as you wish. However, you cannot post more than twice in a row.
The first person to answer all questions correctly wins. (this prize will contain a few sticks; however, there will be some other goodies in there as well, so you guys with 312 trillion cigars should play, too. I guarantee you that you don't have what I'll be sending! )

The contest will end when someone answers all the questions correctly...however, if no one gets them all right by Friday, August 4th @ 10am Mountain time, the winner will be the person who has the most correct answers. In the event of a tie, I'll pick the winner based on who I like better...kidding, kidding. If there is a tie, there will be a tiebreaker question.

Montana, The Quiz

Geography/ History

1. Montana's highest peak is

2. What three states are larger than Montana?

3. Lewis and Clark left only one piece of physical evidence on their journey through Montana. What is it, and where?


4. Which SNL alum was born in Missoula?

5. This Townsend native, and former Dallas star, lost his parents when they were murdered by 2 teenagers attempting to rob their tavern.

6. This actor, famous for playing a racist on television was an honorary member of the Crow Tribe, and taught screenwriting at the University of Montana.

7. This crazy bastard was hiding in a tarpaper shack outside of Lincoln, where the FBI eventually apprehended him after his brother ratted him out.

8. _________, bass player for ________ one of the last remaining Seattle “grunge” bands, was born and raised in Big Sandy.

Hall of Fame

9. This sportscaster, a Butte native, is the inspiration for a popular college drinking game.

10. This Montana town changed its name to Joe, in honor of 49ers (and Chiefs) quarterback Joe Montana.

11. The Billings Mustangs, a rookie “A” league team, are in what MLB team’s farm system?

12. Jan Stenerud, the only pure placekicker in the NFL Hall of Fame, played college football for what team?

Hall of Shame

13. The former University of Montana mascot, "Monty", recently went pro. And like many pro athletes, he ran into trouble with the law, in this case for punching a cop. What professional sports team was "Monty" a mascot for at the time of his arrest?

14. This fucking asshole, a former #2 pick in the NFL draft, quarterbacked the CM Russell High school team in Great Falls. He is also considered one of the biggest busts in NFL history. Luckily this cocksucking faggot shunned his Montana roots before he was drafted, so we don't have to claim this cumguzzling dickweed anyway. (whoa, I think I was channeling K7 there!)