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Thread: Similar Cigars?

  1. Default Similar Cigars?


    I've been visiting here for a few weeks now and I finally signed up on the site. I'm starting to get into cigar smoking and I've found a few cigars that I like just through the luck of the draw. My two favorite cigars right now that I've tried are the ROMEO Y JULIETA BULLY and the SANCHO PANZA DOUBLE MADURO. I realize these are pretty different cigars, one being mild-medium and one being medium-full. I'm not sure where to start to try to find similar but different cigars. I hope you understand what I mean. I like the flavors in both cigars and they are both very enjoyable to me. I'd like to try some different cigars, preferably in the medium range. If you have any suggestions, I'm open for anything on the lower end of the spectrum in terms of price.

    The Sancho Panzas are fairly cheap for a box of 20 (around 40 bucks), so that is kinda where I'm looking to stay (or go lower). The Romeo's are a little expensive for my blood, so if there is a similar cigar out there that's a little cheaper I'd love to hear about it. I'll probably get a box of SPs here pretty soon and I'd like to get a milder cigar to accompany it. I like the creamy cigars with a little chocolate or coffee flavor...which both of the above cigars have from what I can tell.

    I appreciate all of the knowledge here and I accept the fact that I'm a newbie and I know nothing. So any information and/or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. TIA.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Harrison, AR
    Blog Entries


    Maduro.... I love that word.

    Try that Cigars International intro package and you'll have a better idea what you're going to like. Most of us start out buying on auctions (aka: the devil site). I have picked up top-shelf sticks for a buck or two many MANY times. Just don't go bid crazy or you can end up paying more than retail at other sites.

    Do your homework and you'll be rewarded.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2006


    Similar to Sancho Panza Double Maduro:
    Gurkha Doble Maduro, Regent - more expensive than SP
    5 Vegas Serie "A" -- must try -- around the same price
    Torano Exodus 1959 - more expensive
    Onyx reserve - about the same price
    Partagas Black -- somewhat stronger cigar but great -- price a little more expensive

    Good delas here - Cigars International Friday Night Fights: Honduran Hostility; Heavy Honduran Hubbub; Undecracd # 2; Stout Bodied Squable; Oscuro Rumble

    Similar to RYJ Bully
    5 Vegas Gold - cheaper than RYJ
    CAO Gold - about the same price
    Fonseca ( regular, vintage) --about the same price
    H. Upmann regular line -- cheaper
    La Aurora regular line - abou the same price

    Good specials here- Cigars International - Friday Night Figts : Gentle Giants; Shock and Awe; Middleweight; Mild Main Event, Connecticut Clash

    That should give you enough stuff to start with. Def go here for the specials I mentioned

  4. #4


    You might also want to look into Carlos Torano Virtuoso. For that coffee flaver there's Java by Drew Estates and Kahlua brands as well.

  5. #5
    bigpoppapuff Guest


    fonseca sun grown cedar
    vegas de fonseca
    trilogy (any of the three wrappers)
    matasa 30th anniv
    joya de nicaragua celebracion
    camacho corojo

  6. #6


    I got turned on to fonseca sun grown cedar by BPP. I'm now on my second box!!!!
    "No one can tell me what is a good cigar -- for me. I am the only judge. There are no standards -- no real standards. Each man's preference is the only standard for him, the only one which he can accept, the only one which can command him."
    ~ Mark Twain

  7. Default

    Wow...thank you everyone for your advice. I'm definitely going to pick up a few and give them a try. Thanks again.

  8. #8


    If you like the stronger cigars, will suggest anything in the Maria Mancini line-the naturals are spicy, and the maduros are smoother and more earthy. Both smooth out and are really special after about 6 months. All are fairly inexpensive. Other ideas are the Flor de Oliva natural and maduro bundles. Both have a well defined taste and are affordable. Final suggestion is to step it a bit and try Indian Tabac Classics and Super Fuertes. All well priced. Can't resist one more grouping-step it up to Sancho Panza Super Fuerte and on a slightly milder note, Alec Bradley Corojo Trilogy-spicy, and Trilogy Maduro, smooth and mild. The unifying characteristic of all of these suggestions is that they all have a well defined taste and are mostly in the strong medium to full flavor. They are also extremely affordable. At Cigars International the most expensive cigar here is $60 per box of 25 with 5 more free-the Indian Super Fuerte Toro Maduro. Hope you try some of these and enjoy them. Paul

  9. Default

    Do you guys recommend Cigars International over sites like JR? I ask because JR seems a bit cheaper per cigar, but their shipping is a little more so it evens out.

  10. #10
    bigpoppapuff Guest


    i suggest you look at's owned by hex...he owns this bb..

    i also suggest you look at selection and prices...screw jr and CI...

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    San Bernardino, CA


    Why not just try any cigar you think you might like by their description? Hell, just try any cigar, you never know what you will fall in love with.
    2 Funky Chickens!
    2.5 Pomegranates

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