I agree with Ben Stein on this one. Just like our government should help to curb the sale of anti-depressants and ridilin which are being sold like tic-tacs, we should never legalize any narcotic. Why, because our society already spends too much time avoiding real life and real issues by trying to smoke or drink them away. Now, why not prohibit beer then, since it is used for the same purpose?

Well, if all there were in our country were Anheiser and Miller, then I'd say fine, prohibit it, I can get just as much beer from my toilet or hose out back. But, because there are true culinarily great beers that serve a wonderful culinary purpose, much like wines, I say alcohol stays. (Though we should look in to making water-beer illegal )

Seriously though, our country uses TV and so many other things to avoid our own reality and problems (why do you think we want to know so bad when celebrities eat lunch or have babies, stuff we do everyday?), that making narcotics legal will only intensify this problem. Our world isn't getting any better and the solution isn't to smoke, shoot, snort the problem away, it's to wake up from our drug induced (pfizer or good ole' maui wowie) slumber and start facing reality and working on a solution.

I used to be for pot legalization, imagine the tax revenue, etc... But, Ben is right.