Quote Originally Posted by dr. cox View Post
Sorry to bring up an older thread but I was searching for tattoo threads before I started a new one and found this. I love my ink and love to share and hear what people think, and hear about their ink of course.

This was my first. Two and a half hours of work on one of the top five most painful (and awkward) places a week after my 18th, wanted it for 3 years. Got me addicted. I got this because no matter what you do and whatever happens you have to love your life. I know it sounds lame but just seeing this makes me happy and helps get rid of the stupid things in life that I worry about.

My second and most recent. I got the idea from Fight Club, the book more than the movie but the movie did get it right for the most part. Tyler (Brad Pitt) says that "You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You are the same decaying organic matter as everyone else, and we are all part of the same compost pile." Depressing but true. I took it to mean that I am not better than anyone so I shouldn't be an egotistical prick, but at the same time, no one is better than I am so I don't need to deal with peoples bad mouthing and shit. Love it, drew it myself so it feels more personal to me.. Got it placed a little below my wrist so I can cover with a long sleeve when I need to. Got to get a job for with the Fire Department

I am planning another one with the quote "Not all those who wander are lost". I designed it with a compass. When I stop buying cigars and save some cash I will get it done and post a pic of it.
'tis better to bump an old thread with a pertinent post, rather than start a clone thread (which I've done)

Cool tats. It's always interesting to hear the reason behind them.
