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Thread: Got Ink? Share it here!

  1. #1

    Default Got Ink? Share it here!

    This is a long post so y'all might want to get comfortable. The goal is a place for everyone to share pictures of their tattoos as well as the story behind them because I think the vast majority of people that get work done do it for a reason not just because it's cool.

    P.S. I borrowed this from another board where I typed it all up originally, over the course of 4-5 days in multiple posts, and have combined here.

    First Tattoo October of 2000, between my shoulder blades.

    I was seeing this girl (like 2 dates in a month or so) and out of nowhere she said she wanted to go get a tattoo and if I came with she'd pay for mine, too. She knew this awesome shop, blah blah blah. At this point in my life I had never even thought about a tattoo in depth but if she's paying, why not. I thought it a lil' odd so early in dating her but whatever, why look a gift horse in the mouth.

    I rack my brain all night of what I want, where I want it, etc. I finally decide I want it between my shoulder blades but I want something symmetrical. I end up at Borders and spend like 3 hours there paging through art books, celtic books, religious books, books on language, etc etc etc. I did a lot of reading on what the Phoenix represents and decided that it had enough meaning for me, on top of the whole car connection (I own a '78 Firebird that my Uncle bought new.)

    I pick her up the next morning and we end up at this tattoo shop downtown (knowing what I know now, I'd have never gone there, way to mainstream and the artists are good but not the best.) This is the type of place that is filled with drunks on Friday and Saturday nights deciding to get ink done. It's only well known because of location. We head to the shop and I look through their flash and they have like no Firebirds... um... crap. I talk to the artist and she said she'd really need something to draw off of since she wasn't sure exactly what I wanted. I ran to my car hoping to find something or thinking I could pull the bezzle off my shifter... then it hit me... the Original Owner's Manual is still in the glove box. I take it back she traces it, enlarges it, and we're ready.

    The chick I'm with decides on a tree frog, I can't remember why nor do I really care. After asking a ton of questions about sterilization (I was nervous) I agreed to go first. I am not a big fan of needles I think in my life I've had blood taken like 4-5 times and 2 IVs... I just don't like needles. Now I'm agreeing to have someone sit and tattoo me, I must be nuts.

    They go to ring us up, you pay up front, and it's going to be like $150 for me and $100 for her. "Um... I don't have that much... I can't pay for yours... sorry." I was pissed, I felt taken advantage of, and her tone was 'to bad so sad.' I was a broke ass college kid at the time and didn't have the budget for my ink but at this point I was so psyched up about it... I charged it on my emergency credit card.

    When that needle hit my skin for the first time it was the craziest mix of feelings ever, the anticipation, the adrenaline, the fear, the fact that you're adding something to your body that will be there forever, and the pain. IT'S CRAZY! Having the tattoo over the spine and the tips of the wings over my shoulder blades didn't help the pain factor either.

    She finishes and I am sooooo stoked about it

    The chick goes to get hers done and is the whiniest thing ever, she is bitching and crying (literally) the entire time. At this point coupled with the payment thing, I decide to ditch her, I am not wasting the rest of my weekend with her (it's Saturday morning.) The tattoo artist is beyond frustrated because she is being difficult, jerking around, moving, and still crying. When she walked out of the room the artist looked at me and said "I'm sorry to say this but your girlfriend is the most difficult tattoo I've ever done." My response was "SHE IS NOT MY GIRLFRIEND! As soon as we're out of here, I'm done with her." I thought about just leaving her there but since her overnight bag was in my car and I was still a nice guy, I didn't.

    I come up with a way to ditch her, go to lunch, stick her with the tab, I was still pissed. For my time, gas, and dealing with her crying ass the least she can do is get my $10 lunch.

    Ironically I got the ink done on the birthday of my Ex... but that's a whole other ball of c-unit. Until I got my most recent piece this is the that had the most meaning especially after my Uncle passed away 2 years ago. My Aunt didn't even have a funeral for him so the car and the tattoo are my only things to really keep help his memory alive

    Tattoo #2 The tattoo I don't like and will probably get covered. No pic posted. This was done about 8-12 months after my first one.

    I took my first tattoo very very seriously because I thought it would be my only one to bad I didn't do that with the 2nd one.

    My best friend and roomate at the time (Scott) met a girl that was starting as an apprentice and had to find people willing to let her tattoo on them. Reading that typed out makes me cringe was I thinking. The only cost of the new tattoo would be her tip. Now Scott, my best friend, has been tattooed around the world and I completely trust his judgement, he has a full sleeve on his right arm and then other random pieces around the rest of his body. He went first and had some work added on an existing piece, she appeared to have done a great job, a little time consuming but she got it done. I stepped up with another solid black piece which is a modified Phoenix/Eagle type bird. I was planning to have a full back piece done at some point that would tie the top Phoenix and bottom one together, kind of like a life cycle almost, but since the quality of the bottom one is quite poor I think I've opted to not go with it or get it covered.

    This is the tattoo that kept me from getting work done for almost 2 years, this chick dug me so bad, it wasn't even remotely funny, and absolutely horrible pain. I think my tattoo scabbed a total of 4-5 times just shedding more and more scab and ink. On top of it (from what I've been told by my current very reputable artist) I have some scar tissue in it contributing to the non-solid black coloring of it. The lines are good but the coloring is patchy.

    I learned a very valuable lesson from this tattoo, a cheap tattoo doesn't equal a great tattoo, this is not something to be a cheap ass on. After this I was extremely picky before going to get any more work done.

    Which leads into.....

    The Original from September '04

    Tattoo #3... 3 years later... I was that scarred from #2

    Over the course of the next 3 years I spent quite a few hours (6-8) watching Scott get tattooed by a very reputable artist he had found through a co-worker. I witnessed him get 4-5 pieces/additions to his sleeve and I was very very impressed by the work. Even though I had a ton of confidence in Joe and spent a lot of time talking to him about my ideas about upcoming work, etc I still wasn't ready to jump back under the needle. Then one fine September day Michelle and I went out to the mall to do a little clothes shopping. IIRC I had to pick up a pair of dress pants (how exciting) we ended up going to Hot Topic and realizing we were just to grown up for most of the cool stuff in there we would have bought in the past. We still loved the style, etc just didn't have any place we could really wear any of the clothes. As we were leaving we felt kind of bummed out about being grown up and started trying to feel better about ourselves by what we could go do that these kids couldn't. I made an off the cuff comment about how we could go get tattoos and Michelle lit up, I then did the same.

    Less than 30 minutes later we were in Joe's shop, Michelle already knew what she wanted, and Joe went to work. In the mean time I was left pacing around trying to come up with something I really wanted and where I would put it. I settled on the outside of my right leg since it was easily concealable during business hours yet in a spot where I could see it as well as show it when I wanted to. I wanted to go with something Irish for my heritage but really didn't want to go with a Celtic Cross or knot. I decided I'd like to a do a 4 leaf clover but by itself is kind of girly. I was flipping through Joe's past work and found an image he did of the Jack of Hearts on somebody's neck.

    *DING* the light went on. I would get an Ace of Clovers (clubs) but instead of a typical clover I'd get a Green 4 Leaf one. I figured the 4 leaf clover for luck and heritage and the ace because... well... when isn't it good to "have an ace up your sleeve" ????

    Joe did an awesome job on Michelle's tattoo and I was up. He was really cool and kept me talking so I wouldn't freak out since I was still gun shy from my last crappy experience. He drew everything on my leg in Sharpie first to lay out the size, shape, and to see what I thought. I was amazed at what he had come up with on the fly and told him to ink it up. After what seemed like only a few minutes Joe was telling me to go look at it in the mirror. I was amazed at how fast, precise, and pain free he was. I honestly wish I had more money and ideas at the time because I would have let him keep going.

    The one thing that made it even better was that when the tattoo healed it looked even better than when it was fresh. There was a ton of subtle detailed in the burned/torn edges that came though after everything scabbed.

    Joe had renewed my infatuation with tattoos and almost immediately I started planning my next piece.
    Seatbelts save lives, my best friend and I are alive because of them.

    Nobody is ever gone as long as there is someone to remember them.

  2. #2


    PART II.... holy crap I was over the character limit in the first thread

    The Addition from April '05

    Tattoo #4 The addition to #3

    After having the Ace for 7ish months I decided that it needed more but I wasn't sure what. If you go back and look under threads by me there are a couple asking for suggestions. During this time in my life I was also pretty depressed with everything that had gone crap ass in 2004 and for some reason I couldn't focus on the good that I did have. I had a very hard time remembering that I was and am truly blessed. Even if my day is God awful terrible I am still blessed to be alive (I had 2 near fatal car accidents in a 4 month period) looking back at the pics I have no idea how I'm still alive especially after the first one. Having Blessed tattooed on my leg gave me a permenant reminder that no matter what I am blessed, I couldn't think of anything more fitting for my pessimistic self.

    I got the other card face down instead of something like an Ace and a King or another Ace because you don't know what it is. Is it good? Is it bad? Reminds me that there is chance in life and nothing is for sure. At the time I was also a pretty big Texas Hold'em player so that led to the influence even though a lot of people tend to think it has to do with BlackJack.

    I love the way that it all pulled together in the end especially the details of the smaller clovers on the down card.

    Most Recent 4/21/06

    Not the best quality picture but I was in a rush because I was trying to get to bed.

    ASNF (A Son Never Forgets)
    Yes it's a quote from Men of Honor with Cuba Gooding Jr. and Robert DeNiro

    Tattoo #5 The Memorial Piece

    By far this is my most meaningful tattoo and also my most recent. I got it on 4/21/06 the 2 year anniversary of the loss of my Dad. I went back and forth of what I wanted the memorial tattoo to be and settled on Sprout, the Jolly Green Giant's sidekick since it's what my Dad called me most of my life.

    Joe the artist that did #3 and #4 left the shop where he was working since he had a dispute with the owner over $$$ I was sorry to see him go but I knew from other's work that Lance (the shop owner) was plenty capable of handling the piece. I stopped in 4 days early to set everything up with Joe so I could get it on the 21st, only to find out he was gone. He came up with the idea to have Sprout holding a banner or flag that said ASNF (I was just going to put it underneath) but Lance came up with a better idea, putting it on a leaf.

    When Lance was tattooing away I couldn't figure out why he kept getting this giant of a grin every couple minutes and when he was finally done I understood why, it's really hard to look at Sprout and not get a big because he's just so damn happy.

    The amount of compliments I get about this tattoo and ton of people it has made definitely does my Dad honor since he was such a happy guy and always tried to brighten others days even if he was having a bad day.

    I have plans for #6 already but not sure where I want to put it... that is what I'm really stuck on... do I want to cover up #2 and move on or put it someplace else, I guess time will tell the tale.

    Well there we have it, stories about each and every tattoo I have, I guess I could go back and link in the pics but right now I'm being a slacker, took enough time to type it all out let alone adding pics. To me every tattoo should tell a story, if it doesn't then you should really rethink getting it
    Seatbelts save lives, my best friend and I are alive because of them.

    Nobody is ever gone as long as there is someone to remember them.

  3. #3


    alright, i promise i won't be quiet as long.

    got my first at 19. Its Hebrew writing under my left arm. It's says "Yahweh", which was the first name given to God in the Bible. Moses asked God what he should tell the people when they asked the name of the person who sent him. God said, "I am", translating to Yahweh.

    above that I have a traditional swallow.

    Matthew 6:25-27
    "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?

    first detailed piece i have. i've got no good picture of it.

    you can barely see the head of it.

    anyways, the piece i got after that is pretty personal. long story short, i had my mom ditch me on my 21st birthday. she had divorced my step dad, met another man (kinda, she went to college with him), stole 1000+ bucks from me, and took my 2001 Ford Ranger and moved to Texas....without telling me.

    at this time i had no job because i was constantly touring with my band. so it was impossible, and i had absolutely no money and no car. couldn't get a job because i had no car. couldn't get a car cause i had no job. anyways, after i got back on track i got a traditional ship on the back of my arm that reads, "Calm Seas Don't Make Sailors". I put so much time and detail on this thing, making sure it was perfect. it's placed on the back of my arm, right next to the sparrow and hebrew.

    then last but not least. i have a leg sleeve. it's Jesus and Peter walking on water. Paraphrased, Jesus walks out to the boat, Peter sees Him and wants to join his Master out on the water. Jesus called him out. As long as he kept his eyes on Him, we was walking, but the waves and the storm caused him to take his eyes off Jesus and become more concerned about what was going on around him. He began to sink, and calling out to Jesus, He reached down and grabbed him.

    It's my favorite story in the Bible. We think all this stuff matters, and we worry about all these things, but the only purpose we have is to give everything we have to Him. And if we are not looking to Him for guidance and help, then we are wasting our time.

    But God doesn's want to give us a list of rules to go by. In fact, He's pretty vague. This isn't about morals or ethics. This isn't about a culture war. It's about a relationship with Almighty God. He loves you and wants nothing more than a relationship with you, not to tell you what to do all the day. Obedience will follow instinctively just as you would treat a mother or father.

    I spent 21 and a half hours on this piece, and was the worst pain you can imagine. At one point he went down to two needles on my knee cap. and it also drops down to right on top of my ankle as well as across my achilles tendon.

    trust me, the pictures don't do this baby justice.

    Here is the passage of Jesus and Peter.

    25During the fourth watch of the night Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake. 26When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. "It's a ghost," they said, and cried out in fear.

    27But Jesus immediately said to them: "Take courage! It is I. Don't be afraid."

    28"Lord, if it's you," Peter replied, "tell me to come to you on the water."

    29"Come," he said.

    Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. 30But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, "Lord, save me!"

    31Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. "You of little faith," he said, "why did you doubt?"

    32And when they climbed into the boat, the wind died down. 33Then those who were in the boat worshiped him, saying, "Truly you are the Son of God."

    Oh yeah, and this one!

    Straight Edge Lower Back Tribal !!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    That much further west


    Ah, you guys got nuthin'. Check these... first tat, I was six years old when I got this one- "Care Bear Stare!"

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	20.jpg 
Views:	755 
Size:	74.1 KB 
ID:	383

    and here is my most recent- at 35 years old

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	23.jpg 
Views:	821 
Size:	55.7 KB 
ID:	384
    Mama said a lot of things and be thankful was the one she never minded saying twice

    --Drive-By Truckers

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    That much further west


    Oh, and chefchris, I am a little worried about that tattoo on your back. WTF? Only seen them on girls there?
    Mama said a lot of things and be thankful was the one she never minded saying twice

    --Drive-By Truckers

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Havana, Cuba


    Quote Originally Posted by slcraiders View Post
    Ah, you guys got nuthin'. Check these... first tat, I was six years old when I got this one- "Care Bear Stare!"

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	20.jpg 
Views:	755 
Size:	74.1 KB 
ID:	383

    and here is my most recent- at 35 years old

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	23.jpg 
Views:	821 
Size:	55.7 KB 
ID:	384
    Serious? Six years old???!! That's awesome!
    {*insert snide remark here*}
    Trader Rating: +2112

  7. #7


    ya, the tattoo on the lower back. that's fake by the way. the merch guy from a band we were touring with drew that on me in texas. i'm obviously not straight edge since i am a member of this message board.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    That much further west


    Quote Originally Posted by drew_goring View Post
    Serious? Six years old???!! That's awesome!
    Drew- please tell me that you know I was not being serious. Plus, why in the hell would I get a Care Bear tattoo at any age?
    Mama said a lot of things and be thankful was the one she never minded saying twice

    --Drive-By Truckers

  9. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by slcraiders View Post
    Drew- please tell me that you know I was not being serious. Plus, why in the hell would I get a Care Bear tattoo at any age?

    Dont back peddle now bitch,you got the tat and thats the fact
    The older I get ,the better I was

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Havana, Cuba


    Quote Originally Posted by kevin7 View Post
    Dont back peddle now bitch,you got the tat and thats the fact
    LMAO! Back in the 80's carebears were the shit.
    {*insert snide remark here*}
    Trader Rating: +2112

  11. #11


    I have a couple. I will get some pics soon
    Family, Friends and a good cigar. Oh and some fishing too!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    That much further west


    Quote Originally Posted by kevin7 View Post
    Dont back peddle now bitch,you got the tat and thats the fact
    Busted me, Kevin. Time to sac up. However, I am in the process of having this tattoo redone. Sunshine Bear is somehow going to morph into John Wayne.
    Mama said a lot of things and be thankful was the one she never minded saying twice

    --Drive-By Truckers

  13. #13


    any ways, you guys want a good laugh, go check out ...

    it's shocking. BE SURE you go and look under the artist portfolio's and click Chris Crinkle. it's unbelievable how bad his work is. i mean, it's really really bad.

    oh, and a warning. do not open up the piercing gallery.

    on a better note, i'm getting more work done today at 5, i will have pictures up as soon as i can.
    Originally Posted by Heftysmokes:
    Maybe I should do a movie review on Apollo 13 and tell you all "that's as real as it gets" since I'm a fucking astronaut.

  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by chefchris View Post

    any ways, you guys want a good laugh, go check out ...

    it's shocking. BE SURE you go and look under the artist portfolio's and click Chris Crinkle. it's unbelievable how bad his work is. i mean, it's really really bad.

    oh, and a warning. do not open up the piercing gallery.

    on a better note, i'm getting more work done today at 5, i will have pictures up as soon as i can.

    You said dont look so I had to. EWWWWWWWWWWWWW! YUCK!
    Family, Friends and a good cigar. Oh and some fishing too!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    38° 59′ 26″ N, 77° 1′ 35″ W


    I've always wanted a tattoo but could never come up with anything worth having on myself for the rest of my life. SLC's Care Bear tattoo and Chris's Tramp Stamp are pretty cute though. Now with all this inspiration, I'm thinking I might get a Tickle-Me Elmo or maybe a Troll Doll tat- possibly on my back, lower back
    The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, "You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done." -unknown

  16. #16


    Here is a couple shots. Sorry for the poor quality. I just took them at work
    Family, Friends and a good cigar. Oh and some fishing too!

  17. #17


    This is my tattoo. The picture isn't that great thought since its a little hard to take a picture of your back, not to mention its a reflection of the tatoo. The tattoo is between my sholder blades and is about 6"x3". Its a celtic cross with my Fraternity incorporated into the tatoo (Lambda Chi Alpha). I got it about a year and a half ago, though I wanted a cross tattoo for about three years and then I finnally got one. It has greek lettering around the cross which translates to english as "naught without labor". I'm thinking about getting some other tattoos but I haven't decided yet if I really want them or not. I'll see if I can get a better picture later so you won't see a reflection and so you can see the detail.

  18. #18


    I have two...

    The first one I got while I was at Air Force Tech School in Biloxi, Mississippi. I was always interested in the phoenix myth, so that's what I got. Due to some unfortunate coloring, the original phoenix looked more like an eagle with it's ass on fire. I decided to have it redone a few years ago and now it looks like this:

    When I decided to have the original phoenix redone, I decided to have a SideWinder rattlesnake put on my upper right arm. The snake completely wrapes my arm. I decided on a Sidewinder rattlesnake because that is the name I used while in the Air Force to identify myself to Tech Controllers at other Air Force installations while troubleshooting. Some folks used the proper phonetic alphabet and some folks didnt. I was one of the ones that didnt. Here it is:

    I was in the chair non-stop, with the exception of a single smoke break for the artist, while the phoenix was being redone and while the snake was being applied. I found out why they call the back inside of the arm "bitch meat".....
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Phoenix Tat.JPG 
Views:	1264 
Size:	73.5 KB 
ID:	434   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	SideWinder Tat.JPG 
Views:	1264 
Size:	57.6 KB 
ID:	435  
    "Differences can be resolved in ways that are fair to all, but reason must prevail over passion if there is to be a climate conducive to the settlement of disagreements."
    Ronald Reagan in a speech given to the Supreme Soviet, September 17, 1990

  19. #19


    Well, crap. That post didnt work out the way I wanted it too! I didnt know they were going to come out as thumbnails!
    Last edited by SideWinder; 12-27-2006 at 07:42 PM.
    "Differences can be resolved in ways that are fair to all, but reason must prevail over passion if there is to be a climate conducive to the settlement of disagreements."
    Ronald Reagan in a speech given to the Supreme Soviet, September 17, 1990

  20. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by SideWinder View Post
    I found out why they call the back inside of the arm "bitch meat".....
    tell me about it.
    Originally Posted by Heftysmokes:
    Maybe I should do a movie review on Apollo 13 and tell you all "that's as real as it gets" since I'm a fucking astronaut.

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