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Thread: SFG75 the "Master Passer" NOT!!!

  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by SFG75
    So you were in the car with us and knew of it's condition?
    LMAO, I ask a question and you give an answer that has nothing to do with the question.

    Question #1: How many days were there between when you bought the cigar in Lincoln and when you put it in Randy's pass?

    If you can't give an exact number of days, a rough guess will do.

    I'm sure that the cigar was in perfect condition when you bought it from the cigar shop but you obviously ruined it sometime between buying it and putting it in Randy's pass.
    Last edited by CoventryCat86; 05-01-2005 at 10:06 AM.

  2. #22
    SFG75 Guest


    You're one heck of a watchdog Bill.

    Just to highlight the reason why you are bringing this up now and not back then:

    Where was Bill?

    *Rough guess??-two weeks maximum time. I remember that we went up there for that reason because I wanted to have som super-premies to make plays.

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by SFG75
    You're one heck of a watchdog Bill.

    Just to highlight the reason why you are bringing this up now and not back then:

    Where was Bill?
    LMAO, irrelevant Scotty, the issue here is why did you intentionally put a damaged cigar in a pass? The fact that I did not discover it until now does not automatically exonerate you. Sorry but there is no statute of limitations on your poor manners and passing practices.

    You just keep trying to divert attention from the matter at hand. The more you do it the more you prove my point.

  4. #24
    SFG75 Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by CoventryCat86
    LMAO, irrelevant Scotty, the issue here is why did you intentionally put a damaged cigar in a pass? The fact that I did not discover it until now does not automatically exonerate you. Sorry but there is no statute of limitations on your poor manners and passing practices.
    Funny, folks knew of the condition of the cigar when Randy posted about it. He was simply warning people of it's condition from unintentional wear and tear. If he or others thought it was intentional, and that here was a pattern of me doing this in passes(keep in mind that this was like my fifth one at that time) then I would've been called out on it. Alas, I wasn't. Anthills Bill, all antihills. Cigars are damaged in passes, that's life. I had to live with my three damaged sticks and nobody was encouraging me to go after others. It's called the benefit of a doubt. Though for you, it's an opportunity in mudslinging and partial truth telling.

  5. #25
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    For you 3rd party observers, Scotty is employing a basic tactic of "debating" one which I will agree he is an expert in, he's a "Master Debater" and a "Master Baiter" no argument from me on that one.

    The technique he is using here (which he knows he'd be admonished for on one of his debating forums because it violates the rules) is to bring the argument of the debate "off-topic" by introducing irrelevant information and trying to start debate on another topic before he's finished the first one. He's trying to make it look like my thread topic here should be completely disregarded by all of you because I didn't bring it up in the original pass thread a couple of months ago.

    Sorry Scotty, it won't work.

    Nice try though.......

  6. #26
    SFG75 Guest


    BTW-In the end, it's Randy's call since he's the pass host. If he thinks I screwed him, he'll say so. Don't be so pretentious as to pretend to speak for him. I'll talk to him later tonight as he returns from Omaha. If he wants me to replace an unintentionally damaged cigar that I pad $20.55 for, then I gladly do that. What do you think of that Bill?

    I think an Ashton Cabinet #3 would cover a La Uncia cameroon Torp#1. I'll ask him tonight, no-I'll insist that he take it and you can go on your tardy watchdog ways.

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by SFG75
    Funny, folks knew of the condition of the cigar when Randy posted about it. He was simply warning people of it's condition from unintentional wear and tear. If he or others thought it was intentional, and that here was a pattern of me doing this in passes(keep in mind that this was like my fifth one at that time) then I would've been called out on it. Alas, I wasn't. Anthills Bill, all antihills. Cigars are damaged in passes, that's life. I had to live with my three damaged sticks and nobody was encouraging me to go after others. It's called the benefit of a doubt. Though for you, it's an opportunity in mudslinging and partial truth telling.
    No one made an issue of it because that's when everyone involved in the pass used to like you and gave you a "pass" on your indiscretions. Don't think for one minute that it didn't go unnoticed.

    Since then, you've shown your true colors, that being that you are opportunistic scum and a back stabbing chameleon and because we now have your number, your behavior is looked at with a more discriminating eye these days.

    It’s unfortunate that you turned out to be such an arrogant, pompous self-proclaimed know-it-all because I used to hold you in high regard until you showed everyone the real Scotty.

    I guess I just feel stupid for thinking so highly of you because you ultimately made a fool out of me.

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by SFG75
    BTW-In the end, it's Randy's call since he's the pass host. If he thinks I screwed him, he'll say so. Don't be so pretentious as to pretend to speak for him. I'll talk to him later tonight as he returns from Omaha. If he wants me to replace an unintentionally damaged cigar that I pad $20.55 for, then I gladly do that. What do you think of that Bill?

    I think an Ashton Cabinet #3 would cover a La Uncia cameroon Torp#1. I'll ask him tonight, no-I'll insist that he take it and you can go on your tardy watchdog ways.
    You paid over $20.00 for a $14.00 cigar? You are a fool.

    I also think you KNOW Randy well enough that he would NEVER say "Yeah Scott, I think you SHOULD do something about that damaged stick" because Randy, having the heart of gold that he does, would never say that. Hell, I'd probably never say that ot my brother in law either because why start a family feud over a goddam cigar?

    What makes me sick here is that you KNOW Randy would never say anything and I think you are taking advantage of him.

    Here'e the RIGHT way to handle the situation (but of course an arrogant know-it-all like you would never think of this):

    You should buy a nice cigar or two and go to Randy and say "Gee, I see that the Ashton VSG Spellbound I put in your pass was damaged. I've got a couple of replacement sticks for you, an Opus X Double Corona and a Padron 1926 #1 maduro. I hope this begins to make up for the ruined cigar I put in your pass."

    That would have been the way many of us here would have handled the situation Scotty, but no, you see nothing wrong with your proposed solution which is to put Randy on the spot in an uncomfortable position that you know he has no choice in.

    You make me sick to my stomach.
    Last edited by CoventryCat86; 05-01-2005 at 10:32 AM.

  9. #29
    SFG75 Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by CoventryCat86
    You paid over $20.00 for a $14.00 cigar? You are a fool.
    Landline store in a town with taxes Bill. Pure & simple. It's not uncommon to get hosed at a store like that. I really needed the cigar, so the price was worth it IMHO for what I wanted in the pass.

    In regards to your previous post-so you guys do let people slide if they happen to be your friends? Weren't you mad at me for suggesting over at LTC in a thread that you guys are selective in who you call out? If I remember right, you made a previous post about that on here somewhere. Sorry Bill, I don't buy it. Someone could've PM'd and said: "Dude, you're still a little wet behind the ears here, you might want to......" I had a few people advising me during this time. No call, no harm, no foul. At least I thought. Yep, I participated wonderfully in about four to five passes before Randy's and then I just upped and decided to screw him over a La Unica cameroon.

    Get a grip. You can't prove intent, you're just going on conjecture and pure heresy.
    Last edited by SFG75; 05-01-2005 at 10:33 AM.

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by SFG75
    Landline store in a town with taxes Bill. Pure & simple. It's not uncommon to get hosed at a store like that. I really needed the cigar, so the price was worth it IMHO for what I wanted in the pass.

    In regards to your previous post-so you guys do let people slide if they happen to be your friends? Weren't you mad at me for suggesting over at LTC in a thread that you guys are selective in who you call out? If I remember right, you made a previous post about that on here somewhere. Sorry Bill, I don't buy it. Someone could've PM'd and said: "Dude, you're still a little wet behind the ears here, you might want to......" I had a few people advising me during this time. No call, no harm, no foul. At least I thought. Yep, I participated wonderfully in about four to five passes before Randy's and then I just upped and decided to screw him over a La Unica cameroon.

    Get a grip. You can't prove intent, you're just going on conjecture and pure heresy.
    I don't know what others do but I don't. I only suggested that as a possible explanation for what happened with others who were following that thread after you put in the damaged cigar.

    And yes, you made a groundless accusation about CigarPass over on the Island where you think no one will see the trash you post and you got caught with your pants down.

    The fact is, a cigar you put in a pass was found to be damaged at the next stop and you should have made good on it rather than making excuses.

    Don't you mean "hearsay" not heresy? Just wondering, I mean after all you are the teacher and I'm just someone who you know you are superior to.

    LMAO, I may not be able to prove intent but your own actions and the way you've handled yourself since then strongly suggest it. There are lots of murderers walking around free out there because the prosecution could not prove the case but that still does not change the fact that they are murderers.
    Last edited by CoventryCat86; 05-01-2005 at 10:44 AM.

  11. #31
    SFG75 Guest


    Oh, and let me tell you another thing. Randy is a guy who will call out family and best friends when the situation warrants it. I know of a few instances where those who have run afoul of him have received the riot act from him due to their unwise actions. Whoever says he won't, doesn't know him as well as I do-period. If he thought I should've owned up, he would've asked me to do so. He has never raised the issue with me, but he'll receive a surprise tonight when he opens up his deluxe travel case that his wife bought him and he finds that cabinet #3.

    Kind of funny that he's down here about every weekend, he must have a heck of a good opinion about me. I wonder why he isn't elsewhere?

  12. #32


    Quote Originally Posted by SFG75
    In regards to your previous post-so you guys do let people slide if they happen to be your friends? Weren't you mad at me for suggesting over at LTC in a thread that you guys are selective in who you call out?
    It's not about "letting people slide." It's about giving BOTLs in good standing the benefit of the doubt and the opportunity to rectify the situation without having to be proded into doing the right thing. A true BOTL would have read that post by Randy and fixed the problem IMMEDIATELY. Not pretend like it didn't happen and then claim to be the holy grail passer of cigar passes.

    you're just going on conjecture and pure heresy.
    Actually, he is going on the fact you were willing to sell out, and backstab, your friends for internet forum "cred" from a forum that had none to give. It's about character. Something you are lacking in.

  13. #33
    SFG75 Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Shagaroo
    It's not about "letting people slide." It's about giving BOTLs in good standing the benefit of the doubt and the opportunity to rectify the situation without having to be proded into doing the right thing. A true BOTL would have read that post by Randy and fixed the problem IMMEDIATELY. Not pretend like it didn't happen and then claim to be the holy grail passer of cigar passes.
    Ever be in a pass? How many sticks are in pristine condition when you get 'em? It's the pass hosts call buddy.

    Actually, he is going on the fact you were willing to sell out, and backstab, your friends for internet forum "cred" from a forum that had none to give. It's about character. Something you are lacking in.
    And we get down to what all this is REALLY about!. It's not about cigars and sheets, it's about personal dislike.

  14. #34
    SFG75 Guest


    I'm leaving this at what I posted in mesage #31. have a good day guys. BTW-I'll be smoking with the bro in law tonight-will post a review.
    Last edited by SFG75; 05-01-2005 at 10:51 AM.

  15. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by SFG75
    Ever be in a pass? How many sticks are in pristine condition when you get 'em? It's the pass hosts call buddy.

    And we get down to what all this is REALLY about!. It's not about cigars and sheets, it's about personal dislike.

    Typical Scotty, this is EXACTLY how you handled yourself on the Island, you try to belittle people . You're an idiot Scotty, just because YOU don't know who Shagaroo is doesn't mean he's just some new guy who doesn't know what he's talking about.

    This is a big reason I think you are a POS, you've got this huge chip on your shoulder and you think you are superior to everyone else in the world.

    I don't know Shagaroo but my guess is that he's got tons more experience with cigars, and cigar BB's than you will ever have.

    I love it when you make my case for me with your posts. The funny thing is you don't even realize it.

    Oh yeah, those smilies are very becoming of an obnoxious, arrogant POS like you. Please don't change your style because it will only take the wind out of my sails.

  16. #36


    Quote Originally Posted by SFG75
    Ever be in a pass? How many sticks are in pristine condition when you get 'em? It's the pass hosts call buddy.
    Actually, it's the call of the person who placed the bad stick in the pass. It's that persons call as to whether or not to be a stand up BOTL or a piece of trash.

    And we get down to what all this is REALLY about!. It's not about cigars and sheets, it's about personal dislike.
    Wow. Is this intentional or true denial? It's about the fact you are an opportunistic jerk who will sell out his own friends to try and impress other people.

  17. #37
    SFG75 Guest


    See mesage #31-I'm leaving it at that fellas. I'll have a good time lighting up a few good stogies with Randy tonight.

  18. #38


    Quote Originally Posted by SFG75
    See mesage #31-I'm leaving it at that fellas. I'll have a good time lighting up a few good stogies with Randy tonight.
    Apparently not. You already said the same thing but obviously couldn't hold to your word on that either as here you are trying to get the parting shot in.

  19. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shagaroo
    Apparently not. You already said the same thing but obviously couldn't hold to your word on that either as here you are trying to get the parting shot in.
    LMAO, he said in another thread he was going to put me on "ignore" and I responded that there's no way his curosity would ever allow him to do that.

    Looks like I was right

  20. #40


    Quote Originally Posted by CoventryCat86
    LMAO, he said in another thread he was going to put me on "ignore" and I responded that there's no way his curosity would ever allow him to do that.

    Looks like I was right

    I will stick to my word though scotty. Time to take the boat out for a relaxing day on the lake with the family. CC, have a great day.

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