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Thread: New Years plans?

  1. #21
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    Lopaka, you and your family will be added to our prayer list as well. You have my condolences.

  2. #22
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    I appreciate it...

    The really hard thing to deal with is I'm in TX and my family is in Oregon. My Grandfather pasted away last year about this time and I had to deal with it here in TX. Now I have to do the same with my Grandmother.

  3. #23
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    No chance for any leave? That is tough to be seperated, I know, I was in the Navy and at sea when my grandfather died. I couldn't get home either. My thoughts are with you.

  4. #24


    Quote Originally Posted by TheNakedGun View Post
    Man it sounds like you have had a rough year I just want you to know that my thought and prayers are with you
    Yeah wasn't that bad at all... was going really strong till Octoberish... got a lil' tough... December then completely went to heck.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lopaka View Post
    Loudpipes, I know how you feel.

    My Grandmther also past away yesterday. I got the call from my Mom the night before saying she was in the hospital and only had hours to minutes left. She was the last of my Grandparents also. She was not in pain but had a lot of problems. The only regret that I have was I got to talk to her for 1 min on phone when she was heading up to my folks place for Christmas and when I called on Christmas she was out and unable to come to the phone. That 1 min was the last I talked to her. She never got to meet my wife or see her great-grandson.

    You family are in our prayers.

    I am so sorry hear to that. I got to see my Grandma for the last time at the end of September and before that it had literally been about 6 years. She also had never met my wife until September and now... well... moving on.

    I'm just trying to remember all the good times and go from there.

    I'm glad though that my cousin was at least able to make her a great grandma.

    You'll definitely be in my prayers.

    One thing that has always helped me and I know I will probably end up reading this with the family in the next couple of days has been the following:

    An Irish Funeral Prayer

    Death is nothing at all.
    It does not count.
    I have only slipped away into the next room.
    Everything remains as it was.
    The old life that we lived so fondly together is untouched, unchanged.
    Whatever we were to each other, that we are still.
    Call me by the old familiar name.
    Speak of me in the easy way which you always used.
    Put no sorrow in your tone.
    Laugh as we always laughed at the little jokes that we enjoyed together.
    Play, smile, think of me, pray for me.
    Let my name be ever the household word that it always was.
    Let it be spoken without effort
    Life means all that it ever meant. It is the same as it ever was.
    There is unbroken continuity.
    Why should I be out of mind because I am out of sight?
    I am but waiting for you, for an interval, somewhere very near, just around the corner.
    All is well. Nothing is hurt; nothing is lost.
    One brief moment and all will be as it was before.
    How we shall laugh at the trouble of parting, when we meet again.

    This 1/2 of the family isn't Irish but that really doesn't matter.

    I was born May of '82
    Early/Mid '83 Lost My Maternal Grandpa
    Late '87 Lost My Paternal Grandpa
    April '04 Lost My Dad
    March '05 Lost My Maternal Grandma

    I wish you the best.
    Seatbelts save lives, my best friend and I are alive because of them.

    Nobody is ever gone as long as there is someone to remember them.

  5. #25
    Join Date
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    Lo & LP, prayers out for the both of you - my condolences for your loss.

    My New Year's plans consist of watching my kid play soccer. She's transferred to a new team and we arrived in Orlando this morning for one of the largest college coach showcase tournaments in the country. I am way pumped, as she has been on this team since November, traveling to OK, NC, CA, but this is the first time I get to see her play with them. Anyway, I'm in charge of one of the meals on New Year's Day, so New's Year's Eve will include to a trip to the store to lay in supplies. (In youth soccer, all holidays are tournament dates. Many clubs will let you know at the beginning of the soccer year which two weeks out of the year you may use for family vacation.) Incidentally, this team was finalist in the tourney last year, and won it the year before - Disney Showcase. It's pretty cool.
    Equality is not seeing different things equally. It's seeing different things differently.
    - Tom Robbins

    - Like I needed you to tell me I'm a fucking prick . . . Did you think you're posting some front page news? I am a fucking prick . . . - MarineOne

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