I had my annual Medical this morning, and here's the results:

  • BP - 113 / 67
  • Heart Rate - 58 BPM
  • Pulmonary - 179% for a person my age, height & weight
  • EKG - Perfect
  • Hearing - great
  • Eyesight - Generally good, but crap for close-up.
  • Bloodwork - Won't get these results 'till tomorrow, but no history, so with the past 9-10 months of healthy eating, I don't forsee any issues.
  • Weight - down 80 lbs from last year

Just thought I'd share this. I'm pretty proud of it.

One note is my lung capacity after many, many years of horrible ciggys, and now indulging in cigars & pipes as my smoke of choice.

I think I'll go home and have an Expresso, a Cappucino and an Opus #5 for lunch to celebrate!!!!