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Thread: Just gotta say it ...

  1. #1

    Default Just gotta say it ...

    Last night as I was smoking one of my Review These sticks, the whole time I was thinking, "this has got to be Cuban". I had never tasted anything like what I was experiencing. The best word I can use to describe this was "toasty". No other cigar I have smoked, and i've smoked a whole lot, has come close to the aroma of this cigar.

    The reason I'm excited is because my palette is somewhat "on". When I first started smoking, I was wondering if everyone was BS'ing these aroma's and small hints of microwaved taco salad that they were tasting. I was questioning whether or not someone could actually tell any difference in an ISOM, or if it was all the hype surrounding it. I'm not saying I can pick out all these flavors, but I can definately tell my palette has become more refined than when I started.

    It's times like this morning, when I found out I was right, that do not reignite but rather add to the fire of this new passion I've come to love. In this hobby, you are ever learning and ever growing in knowledge through reading, listening, and experience. There's no stopping point. There's no "One more cigar and my collection is complete".

    This is an awesome community and I have retained 96% of my knowledge from you guys. I have made some friends here, and look forward to making more. I appreciate you guys accepting me and raising me up right from the beginning. You have been nothing but helpful to me and I just want to say thank you. If there is anything I can do for you, please let me know.


  2. #2


    I want a review.
    "No one can tell me what is a good cigar -- for me. I am the only judge. There are no standards -- no real standards. Each man's preference is the only standard for him, the only one which he can accept, the only one which can command him."
    ~ Mark Twain

  3. #3


    Chris that is great to hear. I have found myself getting frustrated at times trying to hard. It will all come with time. Your right! There is a great bunch of people here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Family, Friends and a good cigar. Oh and some fishing too!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Tampa, FL


    Good post and right on with the statement of saying only one more.

    It's like pringles....once you pop you can't stop. Which is why I am picking up my cabinet humidor this week.

  5. #5


    Awesome. Unfortunately, you've been bitten. You're in trouble now.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Toronto, Canada


    Quote Originally Posted by chefchris View Post
    If there is anything I can do for you, please let me know.

    Yeah, you can take your damn submarines and stick em up your ass!

    Seriously though Chris, glad you had this 'epiphany' moment. I can remember mine and it stays with you. (An Ashton aged Maduro, walking down the street in the summer noticing the flavours and the spice then getting to work and reading some reviews where the reviewers basically said very similar to what I had tasted). Keep the passion alive and we're glad to have you join our CS family here!

    The Internet - All the Piracy, None of the Scurvy

  7. Default

    Dont make me snack you Chris
    The older I get ,the better I was

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by kevin7 View Post
    Dont make me snack you Chris
    Snack Me? Is that what you kids are calling the old hole in the bottom of the popcorn bucket these days?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Florence, AL


    Well the story that you don't hear is what is really happening on the other side of the screen. Since Chris has been buying and getting into cigars he has recently lost his home, wife, kids, and job. He goes to the local public library 12 hours a day to chat on this board and a sign enthusiasts board. He sleeps underneath mobile homes in the local trailer park............if anyone wants to donate some cigars to the "cigars for cook" (his last name) charity let me know and Ill give you my, ugh i mean the address.

  10. #10


    Well the story that you don't hear is what is really happening on the other side of the screen. Since Chris has been buying and getting into cigars he has recently lost his home, wife, kids, and job. He goes to the local public library 12 hours a day to chat on this board and a sign enthusiasts board. He sleeps underneath mobile homes in the local trailer park............if anyone wants to donate some cigars to the "cigars for cook" (his last name) charity let me know and Ill give you my, ugh i mean the address.
    Reply With Quote

    hahahaha, i knew he was spending too much

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    lunatic fringe


    Chris, you're so sweet.
    Equality is not seeing different things equally. It's seeing different things differently.
    - Tom Robbins

    - Like I needed you to tell me I'm a fucking prick . . . Did you think you're posting some front page news? I am a fucking prick . . . - MarineOne

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Are you dressing up in Sarah's clothes again dude? You definitely need a good "snackin" after that post. You can only say shit like that after lots of alcohol and on special occasions.

  13. #13
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    Wichita, KS
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    Quote Originally Posted by WOXOF View Post
    Are you dressing up in Sarah's clothes again dude? You definitely need a good "snackin" after that post. You can only say shit like that after lots of alcohol and on special occasions.

    Quote Originally Posted by CHEFCHRIS
    Snack Me? Is that what you kids are calling the old hole in the bottom of the popcorn bucket these days?
    I know you're going to try this be sure the popcorn is double butter, but more importantly.......low sodium!! Unless of course you're into abrasives. You are EXTREME after all.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Sterling, VA


    Man, I totally missed this post. If I knew you were going to get this emotional, I should have sent you some Macanoodles! SHEESH!

    I guess it's my way of pushing you to buy AOE3 LOL!


  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Sterling, VA


    I could see it now, Chris is gonna say, "It was one time in college, everybody was doing it............" LOL.

    Quote Originally Posted by WOXOF View Post
    Are you dressing up in Sarah's clothes again dude? You definitely need a good "snackin" after that post. You can only say shit like that after lots of alcohol and on special occasions.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    19 58.7N 75 49.4W


    Quote Originally Posted by FunkyCold5 View Post
    I could see it now, Chris is gonna say, "It was one time in college, everybody was doing it............" LOL.
    Someone snapped a pic of it. Here's Chris "snackin" that azz.

    photochop courtesy of Shagaroo

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