View Poll Results: Ban CC?

30. You may not vote on this poll
  • Yes

    8 26.67%
  • No

    21 70.00%
  • 30 day suspension.

    1 3.33%
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Thread: CoventryCat86 Ban Poll

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
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    No ban.

    Hell, if I didn't vote for Barry to be banned, I sure as hell won't vote to ban Bill. We need all of the republicans we can get around here.
    Seriously, I hope this shit gets worked out without loosing any valued members.

  2. Thumbs down

    I vote no...Both BOTL's have helped me out in the past and Bill and I have gone at it in a minor exchange or two. He has always treated me with respect and takes it as well as he dishes it.
    "No one can tell me what is a good cigar -- for me. I am the only judge. There are no standards -- no real standards. Each man's preference is the only standard for him, the only one which he can accept, the only one which can command him."
    ~ Mark Twain

  3. #23


    Are you kidding me?

    Uh, lemme think about it.....NO

  4. #24


    Quote Originally Posted by ggiese View Post
    I'll take someone who is out in the open and obnoxious anyday over someone who is in the shadows playing like he's everyone's friend. Too friggen sneaky for me.
    I hear what you're saying. At the same time I feel there will be people that you don't get along those times all you can do is make amends, part company, or just deal with it....constant bickering and harrassment is uncalled for. I've never had a problem with CC directly but I have noticed some of his posts that came across wrong...for instance, asking in what relation the post has to cigars, when the post was made in a "general" thread. I may be wrong, but I read it as mildly harassment.

    I don't think that a ban is in order but I feel that the bickering shouldn't continue, there is no need for it. This is a cigar forum. If someone can't get along with someone, then someone needs to just step up and leave. Why bring the negativity into your life?

    Anyway, I vote no go. But I'm voting that in good view that things can change for the better.

  5. #25



    I mean, Really???

    I haven't been around much lately, so I don't even know about whatever shit is going on. Frankly, I don't care. In the 3 years I've known Bill (as much as you can know someone through various cigar boards) I've never had to wonder what he thinks of me. I can respect that.
    Have you ever thought about maybe turning off the TV, sitting down with your kids...and hitting them?

  6. #26
    Join Date
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    I'm not gonna vote on this because frankly it is plain stupid. I come on this site everyday and read damn near every thread posted and to say that Shelby and BPP have been sitting around quiet as church mice for the past few months while Bill has been hounding them is just plain lying. Does Bill have a history of stalking behaviour? Yes he does, but Sid has been doing some pretty stupid and out of line crap as well, that youtube thing towards Chris just the tip of the iceberg, and for Shelby to come to his aid simply because it was Bill who took Sid to task for it, c'mon that's just as much stirring up crap as anyone else.

    Bill you need to knock it off, put Sid and Shelby on ignore and just leave every thread that they are involved with alone.

    Shelby you need to do the same for Bill.

    Sid you really need to rethink why you're here, it certainly doesn't seem to be about cigars or making friends as of late.

    I can't in good conscience vote to ban Bill even though currently I disagree with some of his actions. If Bill is banned the others involved need to be banned as well.
    "I'm a leaf on the wind watch how I soar."
    Hoban Washburn

  7. #27
    Join Date
    May 2006


    I am a newb here and my opinion might not be worth much but if anything I would suspend for 30 days anyone who is involved in these arguments whether political or personal what ever. I joined this site to learn more about cigars and meet people who are into the same hobby. If people want to take personal agendas and spin controversies this should not be the site to do it. If you disagree call each other on the phone or meet in person and argue untill you are blue in the face but stop disrespecting this site. Politics forum should be taken out of the site all together and people who start bashing each other for bad reasons ( and the only good ones are to point out the ones who are trolles, mooches, etc ) should be suspended for 30 days. Come back later and see if you care enough to post on the topic of CIGARS.

    Hell if you disagree on what a ceratain cigar should be rated at by all means chew each others head off and hopefully we will learn something good in the process. But these personal fueds are very childish. Either learn to agree to disagree and respect each other or take it outside

  8. #28
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    Been here less than a month so I won't vote. Was not even aware of the conflict as I had not noticed it surfacing in the general discussion forums. Credit to all involved there. My choice is to keep the members, but someone suggest how to temper our members without banning. Stupid observation on political opinions: when politics are a topic people oppose, argue and get personal about it. I suggest we leave politics and religion off the table. This is a CIGAR forum.

  9. #29
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    From another thread - more appropriately here...

    Quote Originally Posted by chefchris View Post
    Good post Cinda. At the time of the video, me and Sid were not "bubs". Me and Sid do talk on the phone, but only since 3 days ago. I actually had a pretty good inclanation that Sid did not like me. I chose to go the way I did because I don't like drama and controversy. I graduated high school already. Because of this, I have gained a great friend. Some people don't get along, it's natural. But it's all in how you handle it. There are people that I don't get along with (believe it or not ) but it's up to you how you handle it. You can avoid the person and just not talk to them. It's that easy. Agree to disagree.

    I hate seeing this board go through something like this. It seriously bothers me throughout my day. I don't want Mark to leave, I don't want anyone to leave as long as they behave and treat these people like they are real people. Like I read before, we are on a message board, but this is where we meet up to talk. We are friends beyond the internet. I have gotten an insane amount of help from people here and I hope that I can do the same. It would break my heart to see someone leave. I love this place, as if you can't tell.
    I've known all of the players for quite some time - BPP and CC the longest. I've been on this board from near its inception. I've known Shelby since he first came on the boards...

    I gotta tell ya - my reasoning for supporting Bill during this mess is because of what I know about the dynamics of what is going on. It entirely pisses me off when the person who is facing us is not the same person behind the scenes. And I don't mean what a nice guy he is behind the scenes. It's a tad more sinister than that.

    Shelby is a side casualty of this mess. I would like to believe it has to do with his ignorance to cigar boards - or his assumptions about people's intentions.

    I guess time will tell, right?

  10. #30
    Join Date
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    Now we can vote to ban him but, I think he has a lot to contribute. We know there is an off switch somewhere. Bill has been cheered for his recognition of assholes and confrontation of said assholes. When that gets out of line hex has asked him to reign it in but he has not responded to hex. I think until he responds we should keep the door open. Embrace the audacity of hope.

    Remember to breathe

  11. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by CgarDan View Post
    I am a newb here and my opinion might not be worth much but if anything I would suspend for 30 days anyone who is involved in these arguments whether political or personal what ever. I joined this site to learn more about cigars and meet people who are into the same hobby. If people want to take personal agendas and spin controversies this should not be the site to do it. If you disagree call each other on the phone or meet in person and argue untill you are blue in the face but stop disrespecting this site. Politics forum should be taken out of the site all together and people who start bashing each other for bad reasons ( and the only good ones are to point out the ones who are trolles, mooches, etc ) should be suspended for 30 days. Come back later and see if you care enough to post on the topic of CIGARS.

    Hell if you disagree on what a ceratain cigar should be rated at by all means chew each others head off and hopefully we will learn something good in the process. But these personal fueds are very childish. Either learn to agree to disagree and respect each other or take it outside
    The Internet - All the Piracy, None of the Scurvy

  12. #32



    But all this crap needs to stop.

  13. #33
    john51277 Guest


    I am a new guy here but I read alot of the posts. I believe those involved in this whole mess should go by the saying: If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all. Also do onto others as you would have done to you. Just my $0.02

  14. #34
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by nhcigarfan View Post

    But all this crap needs to stop.
    Yep! But it takes two...

  15. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by ggiese View Post
    Yep! But it takes two...
    Being the realist I try to be I have to disagree with gg. It takes the board as a whole. We are a community. We have our ups and downs. For the crap to stop it will take everyone here to stop it.

    I'm all about flaming scammers, trolls, and thieves...Bring em on....Burn em down. But when valued members take each other on it brings the entire board down. It splits people into factions with their own agenda. Several boards have gone this way. I don't want to see this place go that direction.

    If this board is to maintain credibility we have to make room for different personalties and trains of thought.

    Yes...The shit has to stop. Nobody can stop it but us. It will take acting like adults.

  16. #36
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    The "crap" that needs to stop is sid's outrageous behavior, posting of things like hate-filled anti-homosexual videos and his continued attacking of people publicly and privately. sid sends PMs to people and calls them on the phone to try and start trouble, this is absolutely unacceptable behavior in my opinon and MANY of you know this is his mode of operation.

    Yep, some of you can sit there and "want this to stop" but direct your anger and outrage towards sid which is where it belongs.

    shelby is too naive and ignorant to understand this and doesn't like me because of my political leanings, it's as simple as that.

    Maybe there ought to be a poll to ban sid.........
    Last edited by CoventryCat86; 03-31-2007 at 12:08 PM.
    TBSCigars - "On Holiday"
    Grammar - It's the difference between knowing your crap and knowing you're crap.

  17. #37
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    This really is pretty funny!

    Only five votes to "ban" me. nullsmurf and brewmeister who are nothing but trolls and Korean who hasn't been here long enough to know anything. None of these three have enough posts to qualify to make their "votes" count. Then I have an 18 year old kid (boomshay) who knows nothing about me weighing in here as well, too funny! CabiguanJuan, I'm very disappointed with you......

    Once again, another one of sid's stunts that backfired on him....

    When are you people going to realize where the "problem" is............
    Last edited by CoventryCat86; 03-31-2007 at 12:16 PM.
    TBSCigars - "On Holiday"
    Grammar - It's the difference between knowing your crap and knowing you're crap.

  18. #38


    Sid's video post was directly against the stated policy of this forum. There is no doubt about that. It was complete crap and he should apologize for it but we all know he won't because he hasn't for all the past shit. No big surprise there.

    But don't you see Bill, this is his plan. He is going to keep baiting you. When you go after him and he doesn't respond then it looks like you are the problem. Eventually you might just get tossed if Hex gets fed up. That's Sid's goal. By going after him your giving him exactly what he wants. Your facing a banning poll. Granted your going to survive it but it still went this far.
    If you just ignore the guy this will all be over and it will drive him nuts.

  19. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by hex1848 View Post
    I really didn't want to do this. But Bill, you have really started to try a lot of peoples patience, including mine. I asked you to stop this crap in private, and you never responded, you simply continued. You are not the only one to blame for the current problems, but you continue to add fuel to the fire.

    Quite a few members have PM'ed me asking for a ban poll, including many not even involved in this conflict.

    You guys know the rules.
    Here was your ENTIRE PM to me. You and I have not communicatied with one another AT ALL (telephone, PM, email, etc.) in MANY months prior to this PM. The last time we even interacted with one another was three months ago when I bought a box of cigars from your on-line store and even during that we didn't exchange any personal messages of any kind:

    You're making it very difficult for me, I don't want to ban you, but you're really not going to leave me much of a choice.
    I didn't respond because I honestly couldn't believe you were listening to sid and shelby's whining and reacting the way you did and quite frankly you pissed me off.

    I voiced a HUGE objection to sid posting the hate-filled anti-homosexual video and you just let this slide and then start jumping on ME for it?

    Do you think sid calling and PMing people to make trouble like he did with CigarNoBaka and he's now doing with me is "beneficial" to your cigar board? You know damn well sid told people directly to contact you and whine about me and call for your stupid "ban poll."

    Yeah, go ahead and get pissed at me hex and continue to let sid get away with being a scumbag......

    Good move.
    Last edited by CoventryCat86; 03-31-2007 at 12:52 PM.
    TBSCigars - "On Holiday"
    Grammar - It's the difference between knowing your crap and knowing you're crap.

  20. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by nhcigarfan View Post
    Sid's video post was directly against the stated policy of this forum. There is no doubt about that. It was complete crap and he should apologize for it but we all know he won't because he hasn't for all the past shit. No big surprise there.

    But don't you see Bill, this is his plan. He is going to keep baiting you. When you go after him and he doesn't respond then it looks like you are the problem. Eventually you might just get tossed if Hex gets fed up. That's Sid's goal. By going after him your giving him exactly what he wants. Your facing a banning poll. Granted your going to survive it but it still went this far.
    If you just ignore the guy this will all be over and it will drive him nuts.
    I'm sorry nhcigarfan and to anyone else who was offended by my objection to his posting of the antihomosexual video but when people like sid do highly offensive things like that, I'm going to say something and I will NOT ignore it. If not ignoring it causes me to face a ridiculous "ban poll" then so be it. What is truly amazing is that no one else objected, especially hex.

    When theycallmemanix pulled that SAME crap, we was tossed out of here on his ass.

    sid owes MANY apologies to many individuals AND the entire community and why on earth some people refuse to see an understand that really makes me wonder.
    TBSCigars - "On Holiday"
    Grammar - It's the difference between knowing your crap and knowing you're crap.

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