View Poll Results: Ban CC?

30. You may not vote on this poll
  • Yes

    8 26.67%
  • No

    21 70.00%
  • 30 day suspension.

    1 3.33%
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Thread: CoventryCat86 Ban Poll

  1. Cool

    Quote Originally Posted by CoventryCat86 View Post
    Yep, a real class act you are.........

    Oh and your "opinion" is a stupid one.

    Come on Bill...his opinion is ignorant. Educate him please!!!!!!
    "No one can tell me what is a good cigar -- for me. I am the only judge. There are no standards -- no real standards. Each man's preference is the only standard for him, the only one which he can accept, the only one which can command him."
    ~ Mark Twain

  2. #102
    Join Date
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    Baton Rouge, LA


    Quote Originally Posted by CoventryCat86 View Post
    Yep, a real class act you are.........

    Oh and your "opinion" is a stupid one.

    thank you for the kind words

    I sat here and wrote a much more detailed response, but I have better things to do today than to bicker with other guys on the internet. I will only say this.

    It is my opinion, not everyone will agree, in fact some will think it is "stupid", but at the end of the day it is my opinion and I will stand by it.

    Yea, so I voted in a ban poll. WOW. I know I have only been here for such a short time. If people want to base what type of person I am just on that, then that is just sad. I would very much like to get along and learn from you guys. I hope you will be willing to share and get to know me, I don't know much about cigars, but I might know something about something you don't, maybe I can teach you about something. However, if you feel that I am not worth whatever type of friendship, there isn't anything I can do but wake up tommorrow and live.
    Last edited by The Korean; 04-01-2007 at 10:52 AM.

  3. Cool

    Maybe next time read more, post less. I have no axr to grind with anyone on the board. Looking forward to your posts and who knows, maybe we'll trade one day.
    "No one can tell me what is a good cigar -- for me. I am the only judge. There are no standards -- no real standards. Each man's preference is the only standard for him, the only one which he can accept, the only one which can command him."
    ~ Mark Twain

  4. #104
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dickson View Post
    Come on Bill...his opinion is ignorant. Educate him please!!!!!!
    A noble suggestion Dickson however after reading his latest diatribe it's clear that he's shifty and ineducable.

    Quote Originally Posted by The Korean View Post
    thank you for the kind words

    I sat here and wrote a much more detailed response, but I have better things to do today than to bicker with other guys on the internet. I will only say this.

    It is my opinion, not everyone will agree, in fact some will think it is "stupid", but at the end of the day it is my opinion and I will stand by it.

    Yea, so I voted in a ban poll. WOW. I know I have only been here for such a short time. If people want to base what type of person I am just on that, then that is just sad. I would very much like to get along and learn from you guys. I hope you will be willing to share and get to know me, I don't know much about cigars, but I might know something about something you don't, maybe I can teach you about something. However, if you feel that I am not worth whatever type of friendship, there isn't anything I can do but wake up tommorrow and live.
    TBSCigars - "On Holiday"
    Grammar - It's the difference between knowing your crap and knowing you're crap.

  5. Cool

    Quote Originally Posted by CoventryCat86 View Post
    A noble suggestion Dickson however after reading his latest diatribe it's clear that he's shifty and ineducable.
    Is that the proper spelling. Why am I thinking it should be uneducatable???????

    Learn me something.........
    "No one can tell me what is a good cigar -- for me. I am the only judge. There are no standards -- no real standards. Each man's preference is the only standard for him, the only one which he can accept, the only one which can command him."
    ~ Mark Twain

  6. #106
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Korean View Post
    thank you for the kind words

    I sat here and wrote a much more detailed response, but I have better things to do today than to bicker with other guys on the internet. I will only say this.

    It is my opinion, not everyone will agree, in fact some will think it is "stupid", but at the end of the day it is my opinion and I will stand by it.

    Yea, so I voted in a ban poll. WOW. I know I have only been here for such a short time. If people want to base what type of person I am just on that, then that is just sad. I would very much like to get along and learn from you guys. I hope you will be willing to share and get to know me, I don't know much about cigars, but I might know something about something you don't, maybe I can teach you about something. However, if you feel that I am not worth whatever type of friendship, there isn't anything I can do but wake up tommorrow and live.
    I'm sincerely trying to understand your logic here - and the two plus two explanation you're giving does not add up to four... Five-and-a-half, maybe - but not four.

    Ponder this - if you were to log on one day and a ban poll had been posted in your honor - and one of the members you've never had interaction with - never spent a second chatting with you - felt you were unworthy of staying a member on this board. Do you maybe think that would give you pause to reflect on what type of person he was?

    Okay - so you want to "get along and learn from you guys." Then why, a short time at the new place, vote to ban a long tenured member you admittedly don't really know?

    Lesson one, young grasshopper - don't vote to ban someone you don't really know. It makes you look bad...

    BTW - I promise once we get past the social lessons you need to know about board relationships we'll get to cigars. Have patience.

    If not? Oh, well... Adieu

  7. #107
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    Quote Originally Posted by ggiese View Post
    I'm sincerely trying to understand your logic here - and the two plus two explanation you're giving does not add up to four... Five-and-a-half, maybe - but not four.

    Ponder this - if you were to log on one day and a ban poll had been posted in your honor - and one of the members you've never had interaction with - never spent a second chatting with you - felt you were unworthy of staying a member on this board. Do you maybe think that would give you pause to reflect on what type of person he was?

    Okay - so you want to "get along and learn from you guys." Then why, a short time at the new place, vote to ban a long tenured member you admittedly don't really know?

    Lesson one, young grasshopper - don't vote to ban someone you don't really know. It makes you look bad...

    BTW - I promise once we get past the social lessons you need to know about board relationships we'll get to cigars. Have patience.

    If not? Oh, well... Adieu
    Point taken. I should have not voted due the lack of knowledge. For this I apoligize.

  8. Default

    Hey George and Bill,remember way back when we started on BB's . Nobody gave a fuck about some newbie and if he whined constantly he got stoned by the old dudes.

    Nowadays sems like a bunch of whiny cunts are whining about every godamn thing that don't suit em. Don't like it here ? don't let the door hit your ass on the way out asshats. I dont really care if you are 18 or 68 if you are new then shut the fuck up and fit in or hit the road.

    Yeah I would say the same thing to anybodys face as I type it here ,no difference to me . I am who I am and I won't be nice to you just because you are all tender and pussified .
    The older I get ,the better I was

  9. #109


    Quote Originally Posted by Monk View Post
    Isn't it though? If someone doesn't agree with the members who have been here longer they seem to get the bad end of a stick in my experience, and any time they have been here just doesn't seem to be good enough for them to be allowed to have a different opinion without reprecussions.

    Your last comments are quite enlightening actually. Thanks,

    I am so sick of this crybaby nonsense. Check my post history Monk. I joined this board back in '05 for the single reason of dogging Bill because something he posted wasn't true. However, there is a right way and a wrong way of doing things. I didn't flood the board with spam with so-called secret meanings to try and bait him or get on the phone and use other people to try and bait or any of that other sneaky crap and I used facts I could back up. I took it to him direct and between public postings and PMs we worked it out and moved on. Do you see me getting browbeaten? Am I alienated? I still take Bill to task over things on a semi regular basis, as Bill does with me. I took Bill to task over the war between himself and Sid and Barry. I, however, didn't get all butt hurt if Bill didn't roll over and kiss my butt and agree with me. Same as he doesn't get all butt hurt when I don't do the same for him. We work it out like adults. Sometimes that includes running off at the mouth to each other.

    It when people get all butt hurt and start playing the victim and acting like mentally stunted goobs that a problem gets out of hand. Something Sid did, something Shelby is doing, and something you are trying your best to do. If you have a problem with Bill, use facts you can prove, and leave the dramatical emotions out of it. Step up to Bill like an adult and work it out.

  10. #110
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    Quote Originally Posted by CoventryCat86 View Post
    A noble suggestion Dickson however after reading his latest diatribe it's clear that he's shifty and ineducable.

    I'll prove your point, as I don't even know what "diatribe" means. I would look it up, but along with shifty and ineducable, I am also lazy.
    Last edited by The Korean; 04-01-2007 at 02:14 PM.

  11. #111
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    I'm sincerely wondering what was in Cabaguan Juan's mind in voting to ban Bill. Strangely quiet...

    Maybe he was on the phone yesterday too???

    Hey - if you can't state your opinion publically on this board and back it up with logic - you're not entitled to an opinion. Sorry - this sneaky, snarky crap behind the scenes is total BS.

    Go ahead and blame CC for this latest splintering of this board - but the reality is the pleasure of this mess belongs to the cigarsmokers nazi who is recruiting minions to do his dirty deeds.

  12. #112
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Korean View Post
    I'll prove your point, as I don't even know what "diatribe" means. I would look it up, but along with shifty and ineducable, I am also lazy.
    Lesson two: STFU. There is a time and a place for comments - this comment is not at the proper time, and it is not in the proper place.

    ...and you're showing your ignorance once again. If you don't know what "diatribe" means you really need to look it up. It's a great word to add to your vocabulary. Somewhere down the road in your existence outside of cigar boards you might just find it useful. Don't be lazy, shifty and ineducable.

    Dang - you keep this up and you're going to be a long way away from learning about cigars...

  13. #113
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    Ok, I am going to make this sincere.

    I apoligize for voting in the ban. I realize I should have not have voted because I did not know any thing about CC or other history. Therefore I should have just keep my mouth shut or fingers idle, again, I made a mistake, and am not afraid to say I did something I should not have. I also realize that some of the remarks I made after the came off as being a smart-a$$, I admit I should have just read the next thread, it was my ego getting the best of me.

    I made my last post as a joke, it may not have seems as so, but that was REALLY my intention. Yes I know I have been sarcastic in previous posts, but in that post, I was just attempting to put this behind me. I know many of you are thinking: he admits to making five sarcastic posts and then tries to tell us that one wasn't meant to be sarcastic, I would think I am full of shit too.

    It is my hope, that in the future the ones who have a bad impression of me will change their view, based on my other actions and comments in the past and the future. In the last couple months and in other boards I have seen little $hitheads come in and try to stir up trouble, and understand how fustrating that is and what a pain in the a$$ they are while they are there. I stand here today, and say I am not one of those people.

    I am not asking anyone to change their mind about me after this post, I'll take my lumps like any other person should.

    I don't know what else to say. If some of you think I am some $hithead that still needs to be school'd or if there is still something else I am missing, let me know.

  14. #114


    Quote Originally Posted by The Korean View Post
    I'll take my lumps like any other person should.
    I think you are doing pretty good personally. You aren't getting all butt hurt and you aren't melting down. You just might make it.

  15. #115
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    Damn!!! Korean nearly snatched the pebble out of my hand!!!

    Lesson Three: Friends don't let friends smoke Macanoodles...

  16. #116
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    Did I miss something?

  17. #117
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    Quote Originally Posted by SmokinDVM View Post
    Did I miss something?

    Did you not get the message in time??? Damn!!!

    I'm sure sid figured with Easter coming up you'd have all kinds of time on your hands. His timing was a bit off. Shoulda had the vote NEXT weekend...

  18. #118
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    Quote Originally Posted by ggiese View Post
    Did you not get the message in time??? Damn!!!

    I'm sure sid figured with Easter coming up you'd have all kinds of time on your hands. His timing was a bit off. Shoulda had the vote NEXT weekend...
    I've been so busy lately, I completely missed the latest spat. However, I'm sure I could, with reasonable accuracy, re-construct the whole thing.

  19. #119
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    Quote Originally Posted by SmokinDVM View Post
    I've been so busy lately, I completely missed the latest spat. However, I'm sure I could, with reasonable accuracy, re-construct the whole thing.
    No need to re-construct anything - here's the Reader's Digest condensed version:

    Good to see you back, Barry - don't forget to enter Shelby's contest while you're here. Many are showing up out of the clear blue just to enter!!!

  20. #120
    Join Date
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    Stevenage, Herts, England


    Fuck Me! Spend the weekend working on the garden and then have to waste half an hour reading through this tripe.

    Storm over?

    BTW: Bills good in my books.
    I thought it was a tampon joke!

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